Macca 110

So I'm hoping to buy a defender soon from the UK and ship it out to my new home in Canada. Winter here can be bloody freezing with temps hitting as low as -40. I will be installing an engine block and oil sump heaters wich is common practice out here. Make start up a little easier.

I suspect the Landy will drive fine but from what I can remember from my old series 3 is that the heating was total ****e.

I'm looking for a 110 which is quite alot of airspace to heat. Will the heating be up to the job or can you buy uprated heater matrix's and fans?
I've driven a four year old one in -20 for a couple of months and found that it took at least 20 minutes before any increase in cabin heat was noticed. Seeing as you'll have a pre heater yours is likely to be better but you cant beat a Eberspächer.
the reason i asked what age hes after is cos the heater on the new transit engined deependers is sposed to be **** HOT .....
I asked the very same question a week ago on the series forum (Is there an uprated heater matrix) the general feeling on this question prevoked responses such as "Put more jumpers on" and "Drive the Disco instead" so if you find a place that sells an uprated matrix post it on here so I can get in touch with em. Taa.
ffs i sed that the 2007 defender has a bigger heater matrix - fit a NEW heater box from a 2007 defender in yo series!

yu can also get water and electric cab heaters to fit in yo disco/series. Fur cab heaters look here.
Is it not frikkin hard getting a decent landy to Canada? I 'm in the long process of going there and they're dead strict - car must be 15 yrs old min and completely original - certainly original chassis, engine and running gear. It's not like the UK points system - as ocassionaly they ask for factory documentation showing original configuration from factory so they'll know engine, axle, chassis no.

They've even not allowed cars in when checking large plastic components - for date stamp. Later date stamp, not original, not let in!!

(saying that it depends on who you get investigating your car as I also know someone who brought in a 1998 300tdi on a new chassis stamped as a 1988 TD as the V5C documents from the earlier clone vehicle had almost no info)
nearly all "standard" vehicle heating systems will struggle in such low temps without some form of additional heat input that isnt sourced from the engine

so the only options are, as above stay in, fit a fuel burning heater (as per post 2) or see what you'll get part ex for a pack of huskies

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