
New Member
wondering if this is a common problem with a 2004 Defender 90.

Last few weeks when I activated the remote control (central locking) all the doors would unlock apart from the drivers, if I pressed the remote again it would unlock the drivers door.

Yesterday the door decided to add an aditional problem by not letting you out of the defender at the end of your journey. Managed to prise the panel back far enough to fiddle with the internal workings and the door opened.

Unsure if I should buy a new latch, actuator or is it down to adjustment.

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Was the car frozen at the time? Mine did this a few times last year with one of the doors... Ir you unlocked using the remote, it would unlock three out of four doors. The fourth door had to be manually unlocked from inside. Prob just a frozen linkage needing a god clean and a smear of grease.. Mine was fine after the winter!
I am so glad that someone brought this up. I have just bought a 03 defender 90 station wagon to pull my horse trailer (got it on the 3rd dec 2010) and I have been having the same problems thinking I had got a duff!! Anyway thank you!!!

Kay :)
Thanks Mike,

stripped the locking mechanism down today, bathed the barrel lock in some WD40, rebuilt reconnecting the linkages etc. Door now works like a dream. Its amazing what you can do when you take your time and it was a cheap repair, no parts required just some TLC. :)
Thanks Mike,

stripped the locking mechanism down today, bathed the barrel lock in some WD40, rebuilt reconnecting the linkages etc. Door now works like a dream. Its amazing what you can do when you take your time and it was a cheap repair, no parts required just some TLC. :)

Don't forget about a skoosh o' white grease in yer barrels;)

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