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Has the Discovery 4 got drive away lock so when you get to a certain speed the doors automatically lock ?
Hi and welcome

Not 100% , my D3 does, will see if I can find out for u

Edit , yes all doors should auto lock after 30 x seconds, can be enabled/ disabled in ur set up menu
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Lol, think you’ve also got global closing where u hold the lock in the remote for more than 3 x seconds and should lock all the doors, set the alarm and close all the windows
Perhaps it is time that I started to investigate all these 'extras'! The trouble is that, always having/leaving two dogs in the car and living in an area where crime is not usual, I do not need these things but I know there could always be a time when I need one of the 'tricks'.
Perhaps it is time that I started to investigate all these 'extras'! The trouble is that, always having/leaving two dogs in the car and living in an area where crime is not usual, I do not need these things but I know there could always be a time when I need one of the 'tricks'.

Think ur superlock is the other way round to the D3 , u press once to disable the interior alarm when I press twice

Something like that and indeed I’m guilty of not reading through all of the owners manual

Trouble is it’s remembering it all, lol
Why would you need the doors locked while driving ?

Mine also auto lock after 30 x seconds and just gives that peace of mind , ie Stop people opening ur door at traffic lights and nicking something , ;)

Of course only advantage having them locked whilst ur stationary
Something like that and indeed I’m guilty of not reading through all of the owners manual are so many! I admit to always carrying the manual in the car for that very reason, mind you, if it is anything like a Citroen one it can contain mistakes and omissions, (can you contain an omission?!). For instance, the Citroen Pluriel only gives your speed digitally in MPH, until you find out how to change it to KPH, and that is not in the manual! And you need the ignition on to change the time on the clock. Lol! Didn't tell us that either!
ie Stop people opening ur door at traffic lights and nicking something , ;)
...and worse, like car-jacking, cutting off the wife's finger to get her wedding ring, etc, etc, etc. Crimes sadly common in some parts of the world. Also slows down a road rage attack, though I once had my drivers-door window kicked in by an angry motorist at a junction on Landsdown Hill in the centre of Bath! are so many! I admit to always carrying the manual in the car for that very reason, mind you, if it is anything like a Citroen one it can contain mistakes and omissions, (can you contain an omission?!). For instance, the Citroen Pluriel only gives your speed digitally in MPH, until you find out how to change it to KPH, and that is not in the manual! And you need the ignition on to change the time on the clock. Lol! Didn't tell us that either!

Indeed,never surprises me , maybe they don’t trust us mere mortals , lol

Not in the manual ref the secret menu on the D3 satnav screen, god bless U tube

Pleased I bought the base model without all the bells and whistles, inc no sun roof , then just added what I wanted to, ie front electric seats , D4 steering wheel stalks and a D4 steering wheel
...and worse, like car-jacking, cutting off the wife's finger to get her wedding ring, etc, etc, etc. Crimes sadly common in some parts of the world. Also slows down a road rage attack, though I once had my drivers-door window kicked in by an angry motorist at a junction on Landsdown Hill in the centre of Bath!

Omg mate , hope u was ok , was he caught and prosecuted or did u just knock him out, lol

Ur right u know ref car jacking , couldn’t even imagine how terrifying that would be, especially as u say having loved ones in the car

My company van had auto locking , whilst in traffic in London someone would try the back door handle to try and steal what they could
Omg mate , hope u was ok , was he caught and prosecuted or did u just knock him out, lol

Ur right u know ref car jacking , couldn’t even imagine how terrifying that would be, especially as u say having loved ones in the car

My company van had auto locking , whilst in traffic in London someone would try the back door handle to try and steal what they could
Ref the window being kicked in, I got out and ran back to his car, where he had got back in, pulled the door open and, as he got out, whopped him one with the top/rear corner of the door. We then tussled a bit until witnesses gathered round, supporting me, he then drove off. I called the police and they asked me to go to the station, I got there to find he had turned up claiming I had kicked my own window in! And called him a Black Barsteward, which of course the witnesses denied. He paid for the new window, out of court. It was a Mark 1 Cortina and I had to go to Bristol and climb up a pile of 4 cars to winkle an old window out of a door, real balancing act! I later discovered a scratch across one of my contact lenses, without which a glass splinter would have cut my eye.
Re doors locked, when a student I used to deliver wine around London in a 6 wheeled ford Transit Mk1. Boy was I sure to lock the doors whenever I stopped!
Ref the window being kicked in, I got out and ran back to his car, where he had got back in, pulled the door open and, as he got out, whopped him one with the top/rear corner of the door. We then tussled a bit until witnesses gathered round, supporting me, he then drove off. I called the police and they asked me to go to the station, I got there to find he had turned up claiming I had kicked my own window in! And called him a Black Barsteward, which of course the witnesses denied. He paid for the new window, out of court. It was a Mark 1 Cortina and I had to go to Bristol and climb up a pile of 4 cars to winkle an old window out of a door, real balancing act! I later discovered a scratch across one of my contact lenses, without which a glass splinter would have cut my eye.
Re doors locked, when a student I used to deliver wine around London in a 6 wheeled ford Transit Mk1. Boy was I sure to lock the doors whenever I stopped!

Hi mate

Sounds like he got what he deserved , always worry’s my now of what people might be carrying , know it’s not the Wild West but think these days have to just be very cautious

Think the only time I lost the plot was over a parking space , as I was reversing in my wife got out as the gap was narrow , this guy decided to try and push his way in, he knocked my wife over with his bumper as he tried to drive forward

Alas I ended up getting nicked because as he put one leg out the car I slammed his door onto his kneecap and thumped the bloody living days out of him for knocking my wife over, she was fine but I just saw red

Got off with a caution, that was 30 x years ago, not proud of it but by Christ I was mad as hell
Good for you, my incident happened in about 1979, so yes, a good few years ago. What was amazing was the number of people who materialized out of nowhere, and were both sympathetic and wise in making sure I calmed down and thought rationally. But I agree about what people are carrying, the old baseball bat with a ball they say they carry "for when they walk the dog". Interesting the use of the car door as a weapon! Wonder if that one is in the SAS manual!
Good for you, my incident happened in about 1979, so yes, a good few years ago. What was amazing was the number of people who materialized out of nowhere, and were both sympathetic and wise in making sure I calmed down and thought rationally. But I agree about what people are carrying, the old baseball bat with a ball they say they carry "for when they walk the dog". Interesting the use of the car door as a weapon! Wonder if that one is in the SAS manual!

Ah yes, surprising how a crowd will always quickly grow inc many opinions

Didn’t want to give him the chance to get out the car , well not until I secured my hand round his throat

Done alot of boxing in my youth so maybe I overheard the door trick back then, snigger

Even heard of dogs also getting nicked whilst in traffic

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