
New Member
I had a 110xs stolen on 17/4/13. Managed to get a near replacement. Had it for 5 weeks now. The buggers stole four doors from it last night. They could not get the landy out I had installed three security posts over the drive, Had a Clutch Claw on the pedals and a steering lock on the wheel. What more can I do? The whole vehicle was electrically dead. Nothing would light up. They had cut the elect supplies to each door to get them off quickly. But, does anyone know why they killed all electrics, and why?
I had a 110xs stolen on 17/4/13. Managed to get a near replacement. Had it for 5 weeks now. The buggers stole four doors from it last night. They could not get the landy out I had installed three security posts over the drive, Had a Clutch Claw on the pedals and a steering lock on the wheel. What more can I do? The whole vehicle was electrically dead. Nothing would light up. They had cut the elect supplies to each door to get them off quickly. But, does anyone know why they killed all electrics, and why?

kill all electrics and no flashers and no alarm to sound. Simples.
I had a 110xs stolen on 17/4/13. Managed to get a near replacement. Had it for 5 weeks now. The buggers stole four doors from it last night. They could not get the landy out I had installed three security posts over the drive, Had a Clutch Claw on the pedals and a steering lock on the wheel. What more can I do? The whole vehicle was electrically dead. Nothing would light up. They had cut the elect supplies to each door to get them off quickly. But, does anyone know why they killed all electrics, and why?
Oh dear! He's never going to win that battle.

To be honest, the problem is not that the 'wire' is accessible from underneath a defender, it's that getting under a defender is so easy.

99% of cars and vans are easily to disable from the outside if you know how and can get far enough under the vehicle.

True but for LR to route the cable inside the vehicle would not have been difficult or to use armoured sheathing.

All the security flaws on the Defender, which I have found out, could have easily been remedied if LR had been proactive. Nothing is 100% safe, especially with the design of the Defender's windows and doors but they could have made them more difficult to pinch. Just my 2 pence worth. :D
True but for LR to route the cable inside the vehicle would not have been difficult or to use armoured sheathing.

All the security flaws on the Defender, which I have found out, could have easily been remedied if LR had been proactive. Nothing is 100% safe, especially with the design of the Defender's windows and doors but they could have made them more difficult to pinch. Just my 2 pence worth. :D

You're missing the point.

If LR fixed the problem they wouldn't sell as many Land Rover's. As it stands, people get doors nicked, they (through ins.) get new doors. LR make money.

Someone gets a whole LR nicked, Ins. Pay out, LR get another order for a new and shiny LR.

Eventually 1 or 2 people get fed up and use a pick up instead, but, as a whole, LR continue to make more money by having poor security.

Ins. Companies find it easier to put up the cost of ins. and get the public to pay for the costs of replacing LR's rather than taking LR to court over bad security design as this would involve every ins. company working together against a mammoth company... let's face it, that'll never happen.

Me, cynical? Never. :D
I had a 110xs stolen on 17/4/13. Managed to get a near replacement. Had it for 5 weeks now. The buggers stole four doors from it last night. They could not get the landy out I had installed three security posts over the drive, Had a Clutch Claw on the pedals and a steering lock on the wheel. What more can I do? The whole vehicle was electrically dead. Nothing would light up. They had cut the elect supplies to each door to get them off quickly. But, does anyone know why they killed all electrics, and why?

Sorry for the aggro you've had to go through, hopefully you can put some security features into place.

Is a good place to start, lots of things you can do.

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