
Active Member
Got some great cheap door tops from an old boy. They are tidy and aluminium. They fit the door bottoms brilliantly.
They sit too horizontal and don't form a good seal to the frame. I have the correct top to bottom seals and have tried them both ways around but still the tops sit slightly back from the frame. Could they be tops from a different vehicle ie military?
Any ideas?
When I put new door seals on (a nightmare) I clamped the door tops for a few days. Seemed to bed them in ok - maybe try that?
How about a strip of high density rubber say 3mm thick but only 6mm wide stuck to door bottom so that it sits under only the outside edge of door top, fit door top as normal and this should cant the door top inwards. Obviously a tapered rubber seal would be ideal but very hard to find. You could also cut the door top seal back on the inside edge causing the same situation but it may leak through form the glass tracks.

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