
New Member
Hi, folks.

Tidying up a few loose ends on my P-reg 300TDi Disco following some welding after buying it.

A previous owner has cut the wire for the front passenger door switch just above the connector. Not a huge issue, going to crimp a new one on, but curious why someone would’ve done that and wanted to ask those with more experience than me.

My working theory is that because the door requires a decent slam to shut (suspect door spring, another job) said previous owner bodged it and cut the wire to stop the alarm going off or the ‘door open’ beeps when remotely locked.

Any ideas? Am I going to open an electrical Pandora’s box when I fix a new connector on?
Hi and and welcome to the forum

1. Why someone would’ve done that... I’ve no idea.
2. The door doesn’t have a spring but the lock does, an iffy lock spring will a only affect the door failing to unlock, no with closing the door, some readjustment to the striker may be required, if so slacken the Philips screws and move the striker slightly.
3. With the switch missing will stop the activation of the alarm, plus switching the interior light, indicating when that door is open. Importantly the security system won’t set because it sees a ‘door open’ after replace the switch, you may then find an issue with the system, hopefully u won’t, if so it may go someway in answering your first question.

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