
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I was replacing the passenger side switch for a new one and dropped the cable back in to the hole. I popped a bore scope down there but can't see it, assumed it would be caught in there or resting at the bottom?!?

What route does it take? Not sure where it could disappear to?

I would have thought it would have come down from the top rather than up from the bottom (based on where all the wiring looms sit). Did you try looking upwards?
Yes it comes down , comes in through the a pillar engine bay side rite in the corner by the top of the wing . Good luck spent ages trying to get it through the hole when I did my last project , try some stiff wire with a small bend in the end to catch hold of the wire then pull it through.
Thanks all. Of course it comes from above - I found it immediately after posting just not had time to come back on.


Thank you all, will look up and down before asking next time :)

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