
New Member
hello i need help with my doors i have a '78 ser3 and what i want t o know is,, is it possible to widen the doors and put two bigger seats in instead of the three standard ones.

thanks for any advice hugh jarse
If you converted it to a tilt you could just climb over the doors and therefore wouldn't have to widen them.

Is it a case of "does my bum look big in this"
no i need the extra strentgh the roof gives to the rover otherwise it will split in the middle
Oh, Mr Jarse, you're asking for trouble with a question like that!

It sounds like a pretty major mod. Right behind & below the seats you've the fuel tank/s, you've the bulkhead that seperates the cab from the load bay which I'd think means messing around with the tub which is no fun, can't see the point in bigger doors unless you move the seats back otherwise they're going to be in the way.....

Jeesh, the more I think about it, the more I'd say it wasn't feasible. It'd be a shed load of work, you'd end up with a fairly ugly III by my reckoning & if it was my huge arse I was trying to accomodate I'd think about buying another product from Solihull's finest. Though it pains me to say it (sorry guys!), have you thought about a Disco?

Er, sorry, that is a serious answer!

thank you marcus
i have thought of a disco but people start to complain when the floor shakes and my fuel tank is in the rear which by the time i finish sounds like it will be under the seats.
i have another question for you...;how did you know i like messing around in the tub??
Oh Christ, Slob has turned into HughJarse & I feckin fell for it! Mate, you need to get out more............Ah, I get it, 'cept the French won't let you. Part of the conditions imposed on you in order for you to remain in their is that you promise to stay indoors more than is healthy.....Non?

Good one chap..........Sheeeeeeeetheeeeeeeed!
actually i got a busted leg at the moment and i'm just keeping me self amused ,,,while the mechanic is busy... i just got some new tyres and she said something about needing to inflate them more.
do you mean one where i don't have to stand on a box or one that it don't got to stand on no box??? you will have to learn to be more specific

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