
Hello. Has anyone got a recommendation for a cheap whole boot liner and also for a dog guard. It will need to be good for spaniel levels of dirt.

We have 1 of the LR dog guards. They just site behind the seat backs clipped over the seat locks. Easy to put in and take out and work really well, no way our Springer can get through it.



Rear window guard is a must
And if you have well trained
Border collies like us they would just put muddy paws over back seats as they look for things to chase as they drive by !
Not sure the spaniel could reach that far up ?
Yes I've been looking at them, I'm a bugger though as I always distrust anything with a brand label, like clothes "made" by Guinness ha ha.
Got my first LR dog guard back in the late 90's for a D1. It worked extremely well - our escapologist Springer of the time couldn't get through it.

Have had the Freelander LR one for over 10 years and it works just as well, with the added bonus that you don't even have to undo any screws to remove it, just push the seat forward. We only tend to install it in bad weather or if we're heading to the beach/river. Don't mind the dog on the back seat when he's clean.

Have never had 1 of the rear window guards. They look like a great idea, but I'm not sure about driving with the rear window open at all, I've always found that exhaust fumes get sucked in.

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