
New Member
Hi all. I'm looking for a dog guard for a 3 door. Now I've seen many for positioning behind the rear seats but I want one to sit behind the drivers/passenger seats. Does anyone know if such a thing exists?

Him ;)
It's on http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221421925844?nav=SELLING_ACTIVE aswell
Item number 221421925844 if the link doesn't work

It's the one that goes behind the rear seats. It could be modified or wedged in behind the front seats.
I have a commercial with the cage above. It's not completely dog proof, more of something to stop your load flying onto the front seats. I can take pics one one in if you want. Again it could be modified maybe to make it 100%
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Thanks for all your comments. There is one for sale a few miles from me, in Ipswich, I might look at. I hadn't considered putting it behind the eats then folding back seats down to wedge it in place, good idea. Ll see how feasible that is

Well the old man bought a dog guard & put in place it sits nicely behind the back seats, but unfortunately that's not enough room for my dog. So experiment we did. The guard was put behind the drivers/passengers seats, then the rear seats folded up, holding the guard in place. Hey presto, sits nicely there with no movement or rattling. Happy days


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