
New Member
I found this under the carpeting when I stripped my RRC down to do some welding on the flooring.
It has 1 power input socket and 8 input/output sockets, to which 8 'sensor' type objects were connected via long wires and places at 8 different locations over the chassis - also hidden under the carpet.
I was amazed all that stuff could be hidden with no idea it was there!
Not the normal connectors but maybe front and rear parking sensors:confused:
its the little box secreted into every rangerover that sends signals out to all the electronics to feck em up at random intervals. The P38 has 10 of them little boxes secreted in it.
Well, thank you for some interesting replies, my guess is its some kind of tracking / gps device, I have checked with friends who also have RRC and p38's and there is no sign of a device like this - I think its a 'special' fitting, still awaiting a feasible ident :)
fraid not Ratty, thanks for the idea though - these sensors are nothing to do with parking as they look rf-ish and under under the carpets.
I assumed some kind of GPS but why 8 !!
Not the normal connectors but maybe front and rear parking sensors:confused:
fraid not Ratty, thanks for the idea though - these sensors are nothing to do with parking as they look rf-ish and under the carpets.
I assumed some kind of GPS but why 8 !!
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I found this under the carpeting when I stripped my RRC down to do some welding on the flooring.
It has 1 power input socket and 8 input/output sockets, to which 8 'sensor' type objects were connected via long wires and places at 8 different locations over the chassis - also hidden under the carpet.
I was amazed all that stuff could be hidden with no idea it was there!

what do sensors look like
Are there any markings or date stamps on the cases or on the PCB? :confused2:

Do you know any history of the rangey- ex police, mod or similar?
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Are there any markings or date stamps on the cases or on the PCB? :confused2:

Do you know any history of the rangey- ex police, mod or similar?
There are no markings other than 'power' and 1-8 on the sockets, there is a serial number only (10664).
Yes its a good thought, but I was told the last owner was an accountant, however it may have been there prior to his owning it. I am trying to dig further, Its possible it could be ex mod or police - I have spoken to people that work for landrover and they said they haven't seen anything mod or add on like this though.

That looks like a telemetry recorder, possibly it was either an experimental vehicle used to monitor G loadings, a tracker/GPS with telemetry or I could be talking ****e...
looking at them could they be impact sensors for some form of safety device?
Yes that is one possibility, but I have doubts as there are 8 and scattered all over the place, I just recalled that at least 1 was in the roof lining, I traced one of the wires and found a 'box' there!!
Its a bit overkill for that or anything really, I had an expensive tracking system on my last landy and that only had 2 sensors, 8 of any type seems excessive to me.
Its also odd that there are no company markings at all on the top/bottom/inside/boxes/anywhwere - apart from the serial number which tells me nothing really.
Have you googled the number on the chip?

The big chip to the left of the battery? see if that throws anything up ;)

I suspect a very early tracker, as there is no input or output for a signal.

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