It is a KV6 - Dont bother. Get the car working well, as normal, first. If yu intend to do any mods, the first you should consider is an electric water pump (I know;)) to reduce the likelyhood of localised water boiling, hotspots and HGF (Head gasket failure).
If yu use it for towing, also consider an aftermarket gearbox oil cooler.

There is no point in increasing the performance, unless you get the basics correct first.
forget it, these things are overpriced ****, all it is, is a resistor to fool the ecu into thinking there is more airflow, thus alter fuelling, they work but its not the right way to do it

I agree entirely...

You would be better off washing your car, checking the tyre pressures and having your vehicle serviced. This would probably make a bigger difference and save fuel.

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