Simon sturgess

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Freelander rear door problem
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  1. Simon sturgessNew Member
    Hello everyone this is my first time hear iv just purchased a freender 1999 2ltr d and im having trouble with the rear door electrical problem when i turn the ignition on the taigate door lock constantly clicks if i turn the ignition on and off a few times it stops somtimes the door will open with the handle somtimes it dont same with the window its realy baffling me iv taken the wiring loom out and checked it all seems in tact as anyone else had this problem and cured it im thinking of just buying a whole rear door thats been tested any ideas woukd be great thankyou

    Simon sturgess, A moment agoEditReport
@Simon sturgess

A couple of things.

1) You have posted what looks like a private conversation by mistake, sharing or conversations is frowned upon.
2) You have you postcode shwoing in your location, bes tis to make it more general.
3) interesting intorduce yourself post.
4) If you have an issue with your FL, posting in the freelander section may get you better results.

Welcome to the looneyzone.


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