
New Member
I have found a four year old galv chassis for my series 2, because its older its not all bright and shiny, but do i paint it, will it help or am i just wasting my time, and if i do paint it what with as i have heard that some paints react with the galv ??
use a hammerite special metals primer then just hammerite or your personal choice. one of thee advadtages of painting it is a landy with a galvi chassis is more dessierable to theft as its worth alot more. so cover it uup and it looks standad and there none the wiser to your lovely chassis hiding underneath
don't use Hammerite on a chassis as it's far too brittle, it'll just flake off - and it takes weeks to fully harden

if you simply want to hide the fact that you've got a galv chassis blow a couple of thin coats of waxoyl over it

if you want the rear cross member to look standard get some tetrasyl 2K acid etch primer to blow on it - then paint it with whatever you want
prehaps its couse i have lots of the old fasioned hammerite well i have a 10 litres of about 10yr old hammerite and thats not running out quick that dont come off anything
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prehaps its couse i have lots of the old fasioned hammerite will i have a 10 litres of about 10yr old hammerite and thats not running out quick that dont come off anything

i suppose if you put 10 coats of the stuff on it'll not visably show the chips and flakes for a while, and if it's free it's better than nothing
Thanks for the advice, especially hiding the galv chassis away from the spud faced low life need to be hung upside down by their balls car thieves, under seal it it must be because I don,t have 10 gallons of hammerite to hand, and my wallpapering wont pass an mot inspection

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