
New Member
I do, all the bloody time! The new slightly smaller steering wheel I've fitted totally obscures the indicator......erm, indicators & of course you can't hear a faint clicking above a Series diesel. Thought about a louder audible alarm, but I know it would drive me around the

.........I've found a cure (look I'm boasting on account of being so chuffed with my weekend's endeavours! :eek: ), eye level repeaters.

Bought two green L.E.D's & 8mm push fit mounts from Maplins (less than a quid fifty). Drilled 2 holes about 6" apart through the lip where the roof joins the front screen, just above eyelevel. Crimped on a couple of bullet connectors to the stems from the L.E.D's. Ran an earth from the nearest bolt holding the roof to the screen & ran power by splicing into each live feed to the indicator, indicators in the dash & ran the wires up behind the front door seal. Easy, peasy & no more people trying to tell me I've left my indicators on.

Sad that such small victories can make your w/end!

well done marcus may i be the first to congratulate you on a fine achevement. what we need is an award for bestest idea of the week. a sort of noble prize for landrovering. i hope you don't mind if i put your name forward as the first landroverer to get this award.
my jag has had this problem ever since i took the wheel orf it and the number of times i've said to myself (and anyone that will listen) "bollocks bloody indimacaters are still on" is a very big number of times.
free cheers for yer maun marcus
tip tip... she's over
tip tip... she's over
tip tip...she's over
Ha ha, cheers Slob. It was easy on a Landy, not sure I'd want to go drilling holes in a Jag' though Wouldn't put it past you though chap!

oh! its already been modified! it wouldn't be mine if it hadn't had something 'improved' .. funny how some people confuse improved with bodged


if it ain't broke it ain't mine

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