
New Member
Picked up on this on another forum:

"It has recently been brought to the attention of Aylesbury Police that James Lowe, son of Doug Lowe who provides his farm Barnhill farm for pay and play days has been stealing and crushing peoples off roaders for cash. If anyone has had their off roader go missing from Barnhill farm could they please phone PC Gareth morley at Aylesbury police station on 01296 396135 or 07814 485476.

James Lowe is in court this Wednesday where he is being prosecuted for 10 missing vehicles from May of last year. Please if anyone has had a vehicle go missing would you phone up with your vehicle details and get these added to the growing list of stolen vehicles."

"Man charged with theft of motor vehicle - Whaddon

15 February 2012, 3:01 pm

Thames Valley Police has charged a man with stealing a motor vehicle in Whaddon.

A 29-year-old man from Whaddon, has been charged with stealing a Ford Maverick from Barnhill Farm, in Nash Road, between 13 November and 27 November last year.

He has been released on bail to appear at Aylesbury Magistrates’ Court on 28 February.

Police are keen to trace the owners of five other vehicles that are believed to have been stolen from the same site. They are: a Daihatsu Fourtrack, a Land Rover Discovery, a Vauxhall Frontera, a Suzuki Vitara and a Suzuki Jeep.

It is believed that these vehicles were later scrapped in Aylesbury.

Anyone who believes that they are the owner of one of these vehicles, or that they may have had a vehicle stolen from the same site, should contact PC Gareth Morley, in Aylesbury CID, via the Force enquiry centre on 101.

If you don't want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at crimestoppers-uk.org.No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

i assume this is the same thing? its on the thames valley website"

I've never left my Landy there.
Well not knowing the site or its rules, is there any chance these are abandoned off road toys that have been damaged beyond reasonable repair and left by their respective owners on the site, due to being unable or unwilling to recover them, for long periods of time?
If the number of vehicles left there got too big, the owner would have to shift them as they would be classed as abandoned vehicles, equivalent to fly tipping in some respects.Its just a thought and if the guy is guilty i agree he is a scrote and would be better off away from the temptation of the place, but................

I am not defending the guy, dont know him or the site, i live too far away to have a need for the place but there are always two sides to every story, this just seems a bit one sided at the moment.
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Well not knowing the site or its rules, is there any chance these are abandoned off road toys that have been damaged beyond reasonable repair and left by their respective owners on the site, due to being unable or unwilling to recover them, for long periods of time?
If the number of vehicles left there got too big, the owner would have to shift them as they would be classed as abandoned vehicles, equivalent to fly tipping in some respects.Its just a thought and if the guy is guilty i agree he is a scrote and would be better off away from the temptation of the place, but................

I am not defending the guy, dont know him or the site, i live too far away to have a need for the place but there are always two sides to every story, this just seems a bit one sided at the moment.
Got to say i agree. Would be interesting to hear what the affected owners say, that would shed some truth maybe. But at least they know where their potential car thief lives lol
Got to say i agree. Would be interesting to hear what the affected owners say, that would shed some truth maybe. But at least they know where their potential car thief lives lol

A few more posts on the subject:

" A bit more to add.

Just need to get this out to as many people as possible. The little toe rag is saying that he stole all these vehicles without the knowledge of either his mum or dad lol. Either Doug really is senile or he just realises that he stands to lose his farm if caught for thieving?

These arent just scrappers that are being crushed, I had my tax exempt series stolen and crushed last June. Doug told me to my face that it was taken by the Gypsies by a tractor. At the time i was convinced it was taken within the farm but untill you have proof you can't just go throwing accusations arround. I now have the proof as it was scrapped in Aylesbury last June. I had thousands of £ worth of extras like most of you guys so i'd imagine it was stripped first then crushed. No way would anyone crush a vehicle with 35" tyres and a brand new 13000lb winch.
Be VERY carefull up Whaddon. Don't break your truck and leave it there for the night. Even if the owner says you can."

Whatever the reasons, it sounds like it's not a good idea to leave anything hoping it to still be there next time.
bloody ell - mind you I do hope it don't **** up whaddon for the rest of us!
A few more posts on the subject:

" A bit more to add.

Just need to get this out to as many people as possible. The little toe rag is saying that he stole all these vehicles without the knowledge of either his mum or dad lol. Either Doug really is senile or he just realises that he stands to lose his farm if caught for thieving?

These arent just scrappers that are being crushed, I had my tax exempt series stolen and crushed last June. Doug told me to my face that it was taken by the Gypsies by a tractor. At the time i was convinced it was taken within the farm but untill you have proof you can't just go throwing accusations arround. I now have the proof as it was scrapped in Aylesbury last June. I had thousands of £ worth of extras like most of you guys so i'd imagine it was stripped first then crushed. No way wyould anyone crush a vehicle with 35" tyres and a brand new 13000lb winch.
Be VERY carefull up Whaddon. Don't break your truck and leave it there for the night. Even if the owner says you can."

Whatever the reasons, it sounds like it's not a good idea to leave anything hoping it to still be there next time.
Guess that concludes it lol. Dirty bastard!
Sorry if this sounds daft to some people, but...

WHY would anyone leave their vehicle overnight at a pay play/ farm site?
doesn't make sense to do that in first place?!...surely?
Sorry if this sounds daft to some people, but...

WHY would anyone leave their vehicle overnight at a pay play/ farm site?
doesn't make sense to do that in first place?!...surely?
unless it is really stuck.... can't get it out and can not get help.... broken and unable to drive...err.... that sort of thing?
Erm I have heard of people leaving motors there before now that they could not get home. I kinda remember somone saying that they left one there and it was stolen but that was years ago and nobody really believed that it was stolen because it was a wreck. I gess scrap money and the like. Might be worth checking Ebay for parts sold and history of parts sold by local ebayers
Sorry if this sounds daft to some people, but...

WHY would anyone leave their vehicle overnight at a pay play/ farm site?
doesn't make sense to do that in first place?!...surely?

Maybe it's a southern thing? i think people down there have more confidence in human nature. my old man travels round the country picking up cars we have bought online and he says he is always suprised about the lack of roller shutters and general attitude towards security that he experiences south of birmingham.

i dont think youd find a lad from lancashire, merseyside or yorkshire leaving his pride and joy at a PNP site for the night, you can pretty much guarantee it wouldnt be there in the morning!
Maybe it's a southern thing? i think people down there have more confidence in human nature. my old man travels round the country picking up cars we have bought online and he says he is always suprised about the lack of roller shutters and general attitude towards security that he experiences south of birmingham.

i dont think youd find a lad from lancashire, merseyside or yorkshire leaving his pride and joy at a PNP site for the night, you can pretty much guarantee it wouldnt be there in the morning!

Cheers Mr Noisy. Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Do a daft thing, expect daft things t happen:blah:
O.K. I come from the shiney department of the green oval owners so may be missing something but who would use a pay and play site where the owners don't have the equipment to extract any vehicle that gets stuck anywhere on their site?
If it's that stuck what are you going to do the following day that couldn't be done there and then?
O.K. I come from the shiney department of the green oval owners so may be missing something but who would use a pay and play site where the owners don't have the equipment to extract any vehicle that gets stuck anywhere on their site?
If it's that stuck what are you going to do the following day that couldn't be done there and then?

They let people store the motors on site.
Maybe it's a southern thing? i think people down there have more confidence in human nature. my old man travels round the country picking up cars we have bought online and he says he is always suprised about the lack of roller shutters and general attitude towards security that he experiences south of birmingham.

i dont think youd find a lad from yorkshire leaving his pride and joy at a PNP site for the night, you can pretty much guarantee it wouldnt be there in the morning!

Just to add to this, when I snapped the swivel off my disco a couple of years ago at frickley, I left it there for a week. I rang the owner/organiser saying what had happened and if there was any way they could recover it back to the farm and i'd come back the following weekend with a trailer. He was totally accommodating, I left the keys in it as I was on my way home with a friend by the time I got hold of him and he went with a merlo, picked the front up and dragged it to the farm, and then the following weekend when I went to get it he offered and allowed us to use said merlo to lift the disco up while I bodged it up to get it on the trailer. Didn't charge anything and was thoroughly pleasent.

However, looking back I was maybe a little nieve and lucky.

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