
New Member

I'm sorry if this has been covered already. I've nearly completed a project with my 90. I've changed it from a Pick-Up version to a Hard Top.
My V5 states body type as "LIGHT 4X4 UTILITY"
Will this remain the same or does it need to change? and if it needs to change, what should it say?
I e-mailed DVLA who just sent me back what it said on the website but it still wasn't clear if it should change or not.

Kind Regards

That's what it was originally registered as and you are very unlikely to be able to change it as that's what tax class, lez etc is worked out from.

Some people may have had success changing it but most dont
Oh and whether it's a pickup or a hardtop it's body plan is still '4x4 light utility'

The only ones I can think of registered differently are the genuine - from factory - county station wagons which are, I believe, registered as an estate. You can't take a hard top and make it into a county and re-register it for some stupid bureaucratic reason!

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