I've had loads of help and I've enjoyed it.. apart from when I'm tearing my hair out.. and I've learnt loads.. was just saying.. it aint the dosh.. if you have time to be doing it or the space to not rush then crack on.. if you haven't got time or space then probably not a good idea..
been offerd a disco 3.9 v8 running rough when warmed up, how much could it cost me to fix, thanks:)

It will obviously depend where the problem is. Assuming it is mechanically sound, it is going to be an electrical type pain in the behind. Used ECU £75.00ish off eblag, say £50.00ish for AFM. Coil, not a lot. Ignition amplifier I think will be about £20 - £30, set of plugs and leads say £40.00, Dizzy cap and rotor arm (genuine not pattern please) £40.00, temp thermistor - no idea, allow £25.00. Miscellaneous parts etc probably another £50.00. So all up you could spend about £300.00 but unlikely it would be all at once.

If the disco is a clean one with no significant rot and it is cheap enough it might be worth the risk but it could take you a long time to get it running spot on.

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