
New Member
Hello everyone,

I’m waiting to pick up my first Disco 4 (brand new) soon. I first popped into what turned out to be a US forum (.com, not, now here - but I’m based in Belgium, actually. Except EN is my preferred language, so I’m hesitant about FR/NL-speaking forums. Should I stay or should I go? Any hints?

If you have a sense of humour,thick skin and like bacon and or cake- welcome.

If your politically correct and sense of humour bypass- you may find the forum rough and ready.
As long as: -

1 - thick skinned - dont take offence to "personal" attacks - their not actually personal.
2 - You own a landy
3 - You dont claim virtual benefits
4 - :beer2:

Welcome - and enjoy!
The most important thing to some people on the forum is that you introduce yourself properly, so you're off to a good start!
Stick around for a while, if you like it, stay. Simple! :)
Hi everyone & belated thanks for all the nice welcomes! More than 4 years have gone by… During which I’ve upgraded my la(n)dy ever so slightly:). She no longer looks like in the avatar photo… And I am about to put her through her paces soon, so please watch out for my second post in a minute:)!
Ah its 5yrs ago, wondered what so many ‘big-wigs’ were doing on intro forum :rolleyes:

Suppose this counts as ‘stay’ed lol :D
Glad you did ;)
Welcome to the forum

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