
Crazier than a box of frogs on acid
Hello all.

After finally stripping down my 3.9 to a bare block im after some tips for diy cleaning it.

Currently looks like this.


That was after several hours of brushing with household detergent and water. And damn it was hard work getting it looking like that
And i haven't even started trying to get the horrible brown sludge off of the inside of the block yet:(
So now looking for alternatives...... :eek:

After searching the net its just confused me even more about what i should or shouldn't use.

So anyone got any good ideas or tips to help get my block like new?
oven cleaner works, I used it on my winch tray to remove a whole load of ****e and it cleaned up after two goes

If not pressure washer and degreaser
Cleaned my engine up lovely when I was trying to locate a major oil leak. got the engine hot sprayed it with MR muscle and then drove to garage to jet wash it. came lovely and clean. never hurt the engine at all.
Cleaned my engine up lovely when I was trying to locate a major oil leak. got the engine hot sprayed it with MR muscle and then drove to garage to jet wash it. came lovely and clean. never hurt the engine at all.

May have to give it a go then:) just a little concerned about internals:rolleyes:

Or might try that swarfega stuff first to see if its any good.
Thinners/Gun Cleaner and a decent stiff brush, has the benefit that it evaporates fairly quickly.

Dirt that is stuck into the ali surface corrosion will need more effort to get out.

Talk to your local engine reconditioner, most have hot engine block washers these days.

I will second Freelander
SWARFEGA JIZER DEGREASER and you can re-use any that escapes.
Just filter and off you again
TFR (traffic film remover) let it soak over night, then take to local petrol station and use the jet wash on it, well thats what i did anyway. Got it clean enough
So tried the swafega jizer stuff and it done bugger all :(

So when i get paid i shall be buying a bulk bag of baking soda and attempt to soda blast it, gonna pinch my dads air compressor for the the weekend and see what happens :)

If soda blasting fails it shall get the oven cleaner treatment
I use good ol cheap white spirit from wilkinsons, cheaper than gunk smells less and works a treat, use cheap paint brushes to work it in.
Can cut paint brushes bristles shorter to stiffen them for stubborn bits.
used this method recently on my NA engine prior to painting as it was minging, but cleaned up well and paints stuck on well.

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