Chris Jones

New Member
I have just watched the BBC lunchtime news, more specifically their article regarding the closure of several vehicular rights of way within the Dales. As a disabled user of Landrover products I am outraged that this authority is allowed to exercise such blatant prejudice against me. I would urge you all, able-bodied or not, to contact the park authority and lodge your protest. I have done, and await their (doubtlessly) pathetic response...

Yeh its just great. I am new to landrovers 2 month ago I bought an old series 3 swb and 2 month later I have a MOT no tax tho stupid new rules. 4 weeks from now I will have TAX then buy then all Greenlaning and off road tracks will be a thing off the past. ( TITS ) I think he said. I would like to say worse like B***s.

Skipton Yorkshire
MP? the stupid townies could not give a S-hit, you saw what they did to us folk who hunt.
only four are ETRO's, the others are for maintenance purposes. I doubt we'll ever get the etro's lifted, a shame.

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