James Riddell

New Member
Hello everyone, I hope you can help. I recently bought a Land Rover product having spent a good deal of time researching the marque. I was completely sold on the advertising that these vehicles can go anywhere and do anything and I'm also attracted to the idea that buying such a vehicle can bring me both adventure and status. As a result I eagerly awaited delivery of my Land Rover but the reality of ownership has been completely the opposite to what I hoped for.

For example, the stereo system. Given the good price I negotiated on the vehicle from the dealer, I didn't expect much. I wasn't looking for Bose or Harmon Kardon but to find it doesn't actually come with a CD player as standard is just too much.

And that's not all. There are now spots of oil on my driveway. I took it back to the dealer but on finding he was no longer trading at that premises I took it to a Land Rover dealer instead. The ignorant oik behind the desk started off well, calling me Sir and being helpful. But when I asked about the warranty cover he got quite cheeky and started smirking with his mates behind the counter. I mean, that's no way to behave with a customer is it? Has anyone on this forum had a similar experience?
Needless to say, they refused to fix the problem under warranty and I'm refusing to pay for it. They did suggest I try pushing the yellow knob down as a means to stop the leak but it hasn't worked at all.

And it doesn't end there. I had an appalling journey up the M1 from London to see my aunt in Leicester. Not only did I find the roof has a leak when it rains - as it did - but somewhere around Milton Keynes there was a loud bang from somewhere underneath the car and a strange smell. That did seem to make the ride smoother though and sorted out the steering problem I've been having since coming back from the dealers, but it does nothing to enhance my view of Land Rover or their products.

To cap it all I think the engine electronics are non-functioning. No matter what I do I can't get the speed to anything over 55mph. This is really tedious and another trip to the dealer simply provoked more rude behaviour and a complete disregard for customer satisfaction. I would look to fix the problem myself but I can't find any mention in the utterly useless handbook as to where you plug in a laptop.

As a result I'm putting my car up for sale and would be grateful for an idea as to how much I should ask
for a 1975 Series III?

Kindest regards
think you will find the cd player just behind the air condition unit.
the oil dispersal unit is there to protect the chassis.
the 55 mph limit is to make sure you dont kill yourself.
the loud bang and smell was when you ran over a rav4.
plug the lappy into the cigar socket.
the handbook is perfect for a coaster.

and you sell the landy for what you paid for it.
(theres always another mu.... sorry, customer).
James I think you're just trying to take the **** out of us series owners, I've owned 2 Nissan Patrols and 2 Toyota Landcruisers and own now 4 Land Rovers . I honestly consider the Land Rovers ; the best 4wd vehicles I've ever owned. They might be a bit rough compared to some of the poofy 4wds on offer but they're honest, and a true off road vehicle, I bought my series 3 stage1 because I expect I'll never have to buy another 4wd again, I intend keeping it until I die.
I'm sorry you feel the way you do about your series 3 , things like stereo systems and luxuries like wind up windows mean nothing to me.
The electronics on your Land Rover are about as basic as they can get, no need for a computer or chips, this is a reliable electronic free vehicle, just maintain it and it will last forever.
Kind regards...Ron
James Riddle = Jimmy Riddle = ryhming slang for piddle
piddle = ****

But his post was funny, unsure why he chose a series....
James Riddle = Jimmy Riddle = ryhming slang for piddle
piddle = ****

I'm realy glad you've enlightened us Prince 'cos I'd never have worked that out. Have you ever heard of comedy timing?
Just read the Yella birthday bit in galanderland, you've obviously got a bit on at the moment to worry about comedy timing.
GRUNT said:
Just read the Yella birthday bit in galanderland, you've obviously got a bit on at the moment to worry about comedy timing.

its Yella's birthday???

oooh Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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