
New Member
Is it just me? Or is everybody else p*ssed off with trawling around town centres looking for somewhere park. guessed it, we happen to drive vehicles that are a little less vertically challenged than most.

I was really irritated to find that the height restriction has been lowered in a nearby village to me! I could just fit under it before, but now, i have to hope that there is a space along the lanes somewhere! I mean its a pretty rural place, so im sure the council would expect vehicles such as land rovers to be in the vicinity.

Im convinced that this is one huge government ploy to get all of us into small cars!! They are discrimating against 4x4 drivers!;)

If any more get lower, may have to do a winch test!

Nope! Its not just you, its the same here in Bristol. You can't park on a meter without paying nearly £4-00 for a couple of hours, double yellow lines down every side street and more traffic wardens than you can shake a stick at!

So thats way our City Centre looks like a ghost town, everyone drives out to The Mall (out of town shopping world), "FREE" parking, large open air car parks, every shop you could want and No bloody traffic wardens!!!!!

Go on! Give that winch a test!!!!!!

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