
New Member
Hi I have a 1995 300tdi. While driving last night the instrument light cluster went out but headlights stayed on:( . Carried on home then found on arrival that rear lights had gone out too along with light buzzer when door is open. Checked fuses and found blown fuse, replaced and checked. All was ok for about 30 seconds then fuse blew again.:confused: Replaced this and lights worked for about a miniute then went off. This time fuses are ok. I have checked bulbs and earth, all is ok. Is there a relay that could have bown?? any ideas would be appreciated.

Cheers Kev
Fuses blow because of a short to earth of a live wire. There no relays in a standard D1's lighting circuit.
burnt out a terminal maybe? get a tester out on the wiring and work back from the lights? or from the fuse box out
I've got exactly the same problem. Just changed the fuse and it blew. The investigation starts tomorrow so will let you know what I find. Have you any ideas on location of the short?
For all suffers of the problem. Replaced bulb holder above exhaust as it was shorted- condensation caused by exhaust I think! Still no joy. So traced the problem to lighting stalk so replaced with new. Problem sorted, thanks to Sadari Engineering for your help, parts and patience.

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