
Active Member
Is anyone a member of the DOC or had any experiences with them?

Is it worth the £24 a year membership fee. And what do you get back in return (apart from the obvious benifits of been in a club!)

I know some folks in the Yorkshire club, they seem to have a good social setup. Various club days organised at Tong too. Seems to be more about the social side than laning etc.
I was a member for a while, but did not continue. Part of the problem I thought is that the D1 is very different to, say, a D3 or D4 and their owners have different needs and views. Alright for the social side perhaps, but not much use for technical or historical stuff.
Try it and see, no doubt you will get a news letter every quarter with tips on maintenance from the members.

I joined the RR owners club back in the 1990s when I saw they had a stand an the Bromley Pageant I knew it was "clickey" then, with all the members sitting in the clubs marquee peering out at the public passing their stand.

They had a quarterly news letter with a bit of news on members vehicles and tips on where to go for repairs to the electrics of the vehicle..early days then... also there was lots on social meets available locally and with weekends away camping plus competitions for the children... So not for me I owned a new Range Rover so I stay at hotels and have aways done, anyway I didn't have children so any social gathering with them is a defiantly a place to miss. :D

Needless to say I did renewed my membership for the second year.
Cheers guys. Think I may give it a go for a year see what its like.

They seem to have a few meets, days out etc. so may be worth it!

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