shreks disco

New Member
Hi All

I have been playing in some very deep water and as u can imagine the carpets are a little wet.

So my question is if i remove the carpets will i be left with wires all over the floor or are they routed another way.

Happy Easter

its not the carpets you need to worry about :eek: - and no the wires are safely tucked up away from there.
Its the **** soundproofing underlay thats the prob. GET IT OUT QUICK otherwise it rots thru yo floor. The carpet comes up fairly easily and dries out in a day or two - the underlay will take weeks!
Me and Lazzer have taken the carpets off his disco and soundproofing out the other day...
mine have been gone long ago...

the carpet on the driver side is connected to the carpet on the passenger side by 2 strips that run under the centre console... easy way is just to cut it off (the strips)
You'll also have to undo the seat bolts a bit so you can take the carpet off as it's stuck underneath..

definately take it out as soon as possible, carpets and soundproofing stuff
Yep. I flooded mine and about 2 weeks later, JP convinced me to take the plastic door seal off to lift up the carpet and have a quick look at the state of the floor. Although the floor was pretty much immaculate, the sponge was still full of water.

We took it out there and then. I'm going to put the carpets back in, but you definately need to get the soundproofing out.

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