
Active Member
I hope this isn't the start of feared issues. I went to start the D4 this morning. Normal procedure, pressed start button. Lots of clicking but no starting. Tried a few times, but had to leave it as was going out. Came back and tried again. Dead as dead now except for a constant high speed ticking from down in the passenger footwell sort of area. I was going to disconnect the battery and see if it resets, but wasn't sure if that had some other adverse affect. Or could it merely be a flat battery. It was left for a week, but started the first time the day we came back, but have not been out since. Any thoughts in where to go first would be appreciated. Thanks
Battery first place to start:).

Its a LR its battery or earth:) then move on from there:D.

So no issues with disconnection with regard to ECU or some such. Off to charge battery for a bit, so will keep you posted. Ticking noise? Electrics protesting? My trusty 90 could be left for weeks and start first time, but hardly any electrics to speak of. lol
Leave it on car and charge.

The L322 needs to make sure it fully shuts down (20ish mins) dont know about yours. but should say in manual.

You may need more than an hour;).
But good luck:).

Do you have a n other fully charged battery and some jump leads?
I do indeed. It was on charge but will see how this charge goes. Fortunately, I have other ways of getting around.
Lol. I may need to invest in one of jump starts if this becomes a regular occurrence, although back to daily driving should sort...fingers crossed.
Yeah, i may well have one on stand by. but why start first time after a week then not again two days later. Maybe I should have taken for a decent drive.
Yeah, i may well have one on stand by. but why start first time after a week then not again two days later. Maybe I should have taken for a decent drive.


plus 1 what others have said ref a battery , maybe the first time it just had enough to start the engine then after that was too low

clicking could have been the relays that sit behind the passenger side glove box

Personally have a D3 myself and know there so dependent on a quality battery , plus on the D4 it’s best to tell it you’ve replaced the battery using diagnostics

few of us have fitted a yuasa 019 , getting them from halfords with a trade card , charging them up before hand, CTEK are very good as u can simply leave the battery connected , charging via the 12a towing socket

if ur near enough to an electric supply , I fitted a 12s socket on the front of my house , drilled through the wall and connected to my CTEK charger in the hallway , made up my own 5m cable , that way if u don’t use it for a few weeks can keep it topped up by just plugging it in, then ensuring the battery is always fully chargers , along with that can get a module that u fit into ur battery and can see via Bluetooth on ur iPad, iPhone the current status of ur battery , is called a BM2 and think there around £20

few pics of what I done and also hope that helps

Lol. I may need to invest in one of jump starts if this becomes a regular occurrence, although back to daily driving should sort...fingers crossed.

Hope u don’t mind me adding but I’m pretty sure the D4 won’t like a jump pack, heard of some modules going nuts , alas don’t know how true it is
Oh and remember those times double if you leave the battery in the boot and have to reconnect it to get the bloody tailgate open:) don’t ask how I know:rolleyes: let’s just say it was a long tea break:D.

Oh and remember those times double if you leave the battery in the boot and have to reconnect it to get the bloody tailgate open:) don’t ask how I know:rolleyes: let’s just say it was a long tea break:D.


Now who on earth would do that , as in putting the battery in the boot and then close it , then searching for another battery to then open the boot to gain access to the other battery ;);)

thk god I didn’t say that out loud ;)

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