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Odometer sync, I recently had a new alternator fitted when I went to pick up the car the mechanic chap said I can’t get your odometer to sync, I’ve tried everything I can, he took me to the car and plugged his computer into the car, got to the program to change the settings to sync the millage but the sync would not go any further, it just stopped at the point where you can select how to sync, he couldn’t say why this should be, he said this has never happened before normally we just select the sync on the computer and all is well again. He said take the car and I’ll see what I can find out and let you know, mean time I’ve plugged in my nanocom and I can get to the point where it gives option to change the sync settings odometer to bcu or the other way round, but that’s as far as it will go, I can’t actually select the sync to odometer or vies versa. I’ve read pretty much everything already written on the forums about this but nothing already written has helped. ???
Odometer sync, I recently had a new alternator fitted when I went to pick up the car the mechanic chap said I can’t get your odometer to sync, I’ve tried everything I can, he took me to the car and plugged his computer into the car, got to the program to change the settings to sync the millage but the sync would not go any further, it just stopped at the point where you can select how to sync, he couldn’t say why this should be, he said this has never happened before normally we just select the sync on the computer and all is well again. He said take the car and I’ll see what I can find out and let you know, mean time I’ve plugged in my nanocom and I can get to the point where it gives option to change the sync settings odometer to bcu or the other way round, but that’s as far as it will go, I can’t actually select the sync to odometer or vies versa. I’ve read pretty much everything already written on the forums about this but nothing already written has helped. ???

I think your mechanic needs a Testbook or a T4 to resync ....

Edited to add: A Nanocom should be able to as well - see here

td5 engine diagnostic function evolution - LandyZone
First of all explain what happened to need to synk the odometer cos changing the alternator is no factor for that... and what's the trouble? the odometer is flashing or what ?
Alternator packed up normally I do my own repairs but no garage so I got the local 4x4 people to change it, I went to pick it up the guy who did the job said he took the battery off and left it off over night, and once he had fitted the new alternator and started the car, the speedo was flashing, he then plugged in his computer to re sync the speedo, but the BCU when reach the point where you should be able to sync the speed, nothing more will happen just say can'y read BCU, I tried my nacocom and again I can reach the fuction sync to but can't use it. also the odometer is now reading in Kilometers not miles
If your mileage is reading correctly ,

use the nanocom to turn the flashing warning off. then all is good.

Well yes the mileage is correct, although it is no longer showing mileage it's now showing kilometers, I think I did try to turn off the flashing but it didn't work, to be honest I've been in and out so many times trying to sync I can't remember. but I do know the BCU reading is different to that of my speedo not out much but it is out
To change it from KM to Miles, press and hold the button on the cluster.
If it is different , did the garage tow it?

....he took the battery off and left it off over night, and once he had fitted the new alternator and started the car, the speedo was flashing,
just ask the man in what sequence he disconnected then reconnected the battery? it's very important for the BCU that the disconnection/reconnection of the battery to be in the correct order ...i've seen two cases of mixed up BCUs due to incorrect battery "handling" while many others were lucky and nothing happened ...also was the alternator new? cos if it was a used one and it has a rectifier issue an AC spike can reach the BCU and ruin it
Ah now you you've said something I hadn't thought about, he did say the alternator fitted was going to be a recondition unit, as for towing it could be possible they moved the vehicle while the battery was off.
if the vehicle was moved or not with battery of is no factor cos the odometer is not mechanicaly affected.... so do you ay that the odometer error warning appears as disabled on nanocom and the odometer is still flashing? ... if yes, those guys ruined your BCU somehow
I can go into the utility and get as far as the setting where you would normally be able to input the odometer reading to BCU , but when I hit the function to activate odometer to BCU nothing happens
I'll give them a ring tomorrow morning and put your points to him.
dont put any point just ask in which order were the leads disconnected/connected... and if he'll say anything else than disconnected negative first and reconnected it last and your BCU keeps missbehaving ask them to replace your's with a known good one ... as about the alternator, the only way to see if the rectifier is OK is with oscilloscope which i doubt that those who are repairing them are using.
I can go into the utility and get as far as the setting where you would normally be able to input the odometer reading to BCU , but when I hit the function to activate odometer to BCU nothing happens
Go in settings Transm-lock-warn last page and disabe the odometer error warning
Ok yes will ask about power leads. Oscilloscope christ do they still use those, I haven't seen one of them for years. I have to say I am thinking they may have damaged the BCU somehow.
Ok guys thanks again for all your help I really do appreciate all thats been said, now i've got a computer to finnish repairing, tech you just gotta love it NOT thanks again.

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