Alan Carter

New Member
Can anyone help me, PLEASE.

My Disco 2 suffered a seine can ignition cylinder six weeks ago and had to call the RAC.

The patrolman new how to force the unit apart where I then inserted the key to be read and using a screwdriver to turn the ignition unit I was able to start and stop the car.

I went to my local garage whereupon they ordered the necessary part but were told that there was a sixteen week lead in. Of course I was devastated but at least I could drive with my trusty screwdriver as co-pilot.

However a few weeks ago the vehicle began to refue to start.

My garage chap 'thinks'ts related to the original problem so I still have at least eight weeks to wait until the replacement is hopefully available. Is it right and reasonable to have a vehicle off the road for at least sixteen weeks in this day and age or is this yet another example of British inefficiency?

It has been suggested that I attempt to contact via an email a senior executive at Land Rover to see if there is anything that can be done to speed up this appalling situation.

What makes matters worse for me, if possible, is that I bought the Disco to tow my boat which of course means, that I cannot use my boat this summer let alone be able to travel to and fro to visit friends and family.

Any help would be great,y appreciated,
Why not just fit a new replacement ignition switch?

IGNORE THAT, It was for a D1 ....LOL

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