
New Member
Hi can anyone tell me what size the rear seats/ middle seat bolts are please i bought a discovery but the rear seats had been removed and i had them separately but without the bolts i know there torx ones but cant seem to find the exact ones or size thanks thanks in advance
Hi can anyone tell me what size the rear seats/ middle seat bolts are please i bought a discovery but the rear seats had been removed and i had them separately but without the bolts i know there torx ones but cant seem to find the exact ones or size thanks thanks in advance
I'm a little surprised, well maybe not, that the person who took them out didn't put the bolts back in just to keep the watter and drafts out!
I take mine out regularly so should know, but I don't, I just do the job.:rolleyes:
I think they may well be 10 mm but be aware they are surprisingly long. They go right through the floor to the underside of the truck. Don't have to be torx headed they just are cos they are LR.
If I was you I'd take a bolt of each size to the car and try it until you get one that fits. And be prepared to have to run a tap down them if they've been off the car some time. The first time I took them out it took a lot of effort due to rust on the bolts. Just copaslipped em so the job got a heck of a lot easier from then on.
Best of luck.;)
@sierrafery I don't know what happened there when I went to reply to your post. The post seems to be different to the one that appeared when I clicked "reply".
Maybe you edited it?
As usual it is a bit beyond me.
Have you ever taken one out?
I have to every year, (MOT:rolleyes:) So I'll be doing it soon as the MOT is coming up!:(
Yes i edited it then after your reply i realised that i was wrong cos what i posted is for front seats ... for rear seats torx bolts are neded and i think thinner, i cant found those in the catalogue :oops:
Yes i edited it then after your reply i realised that i was wrong cos what i posted is for front seats ... for rear seats torx bolts are neded and i think thinner, i cant found those in the catalogue :oops:
I'll get some work clothes on and take one out, that'll settle it.;)
Right I have taken one out.
It is 10mm but tapers up from a 7.5 unthreaded shank for easy insertion.
Overall length 37.8mm
Domed cap 20mm diameter and about 8mm thick.
6 point star torx size T50.
I'll put a pic up in a while. ;)


So BTR2710 then!
took a lot of looking at those pages to find it, it wasn't where you'd most obviously look.
But very informative for when I come to mend mine, so thanks!:):):):):)
You are legends thank you so much i was looking for hours online and even in the owners manual and couldnt find them at all the previous owner was using it as a van hence the seats were out il get some ordered now i know what they are once again thank you
You are legends thank you so much i was looking for hours online and even in the owners manual and couldnt find them at all the previous owner was using it as a van hence the seats were out il get some ordered now i know what they are once again thank you
don't forget that in order to pass an MOT they must lock back into the upright position and this relies on the mechanism in the seat not having been bust. Ask me how I know! They all too often suffer from stickiness on the lower lever which means that owners don't get the lower lock donw properly, get annoyed and ram the seat backs up, which discombobulates the mech. Also be aware, the double one especially is very heavy. This is the one I have to take out and I use a sack truck to move it around!
Best of luck getting some!

PS do make sure you get all three headrests.

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