Hi all. been working through a few jobs/mods on the Disco. Got some proper tyres fitted, swapped the tatty front spots for some LED jobbies, and fitted a snorkel, more for cosmetic purposes that a need for seep wading.

this cold snap has highlighted that half the heated front windscreen isn't working, typically the drivers side.

Its open circuit at the connector under the scuttle, Im wondering if one of the wires to the tracks on the screen have come off. looking at replacement screens it looks like the tracks are on the reverse side and possibly part of the bonding in, does anyone know if its possible to access them to check them without replacing the screen ?


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Hi all. been working through a few jobs/mods on the Disco. Got some proper tyres fitted, swapped the tatty front spots for some LED jobbies, and fitted a snorkel, more for cosmetic purposes that a need for seep wading.

this cold snap has highlighted that half the heated front windscreen isn't working, typically the drivers side.

Its open circuit at the connector under the scuttle, Im wondering if one of the wires to the tracks on the screen have come off. looking at replacement screens it looks like the tracks are on the reverse side and possibly part of the bonding in, does anyone know if its possible to access them to check them without replacing the screen ?

The D2 heated front screen element is encapsulated with the glass, connectors what u see at the base is all u get, the element is in two parts so two circuits each having its own fuse, fuse 8 for the RH and fuse 7 LH.
If u had found bits of the element no heating it could be down to a stone chip.

D1s just have one circuit for the heated screen, my screen has a couple of stone chips and as a result there is a 9 inch vertical strip of windscreen not heating, not a real issue the screen as it took 5 minutes to melt all the frost but the heater blowing up on the inside of the screen did it in 2 minutes. So the heated screen is only switch on with the heater blower when heavy snow is on the glass, which does it well, but not very often in my area.
There are a couple of the internal wires not working on the passenger side. I was kind of hoping where the internal wires terminate to the connector may be accessible and I could see something obvious, if its a windscreen replacement job I reckon ill leave it and fit a Webasto thermo top V which will heat the car up too.
Well if you want help on the pair of wires they need be identified first, so post a photo of them and their location.
I had mine replace last year, the wire ar under the front panel , and are about 4 in long just push on, my screen had failed, but it was due to the screen delaminating at the top, it had been like that for several years I just lived with it, but a large stone chip in the screen and I had it replaced for £75, as part of my insurance its been great ever since

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