

I am about to change the battery on my Discovery 2 2004 HSE Trim (preemptively) . Before I disconnect it - I am wondering if these radio units have a code? Is it possible to check the radio code somewhere before I disconnect the battery? I have a Nanocom but I haven't found "radio" options in there.

Thanks again!
Radio code isn't in there AFAIK. There is no comms between the vehicle and the Audio system.
Should be on the form from Land Rover when it was new, I found mine in the glove box, 5 digit number

I am about to change the battery on my Discovery 2 2004 HSE Trim (preemptively) . Before I disconnect it - I am wondering if these radio units have a code? Is it possible to check the radio code somewhere before I disconnect the battery? I have a Nanocom but I haven't found "radio" options in there.

Thanks again!
You can't retrieve that code, if it's still the factory fitted unit you should get it free from a LR main dealer based ownership evidence if not you'll have to pay for it HERE , or it can be some retrofitted aftermarket unit without any code
To be on the safe side, use a set of jump leads to maintain continuity between the new batt and the terminals on the car while changing it.
Our local Motabitz does this every time they change a batt, unless it obviously don't need it.
Then you can mess around getting the code.
To be on the safe side, use a set of jump leads to maintain continuity between the new batt and the terminals on the car while changing it.
Our local Motabitz does this every time they change a batt, unless it obviously don't need it.
Then you can mess around getting the code.
+1 ^ it’s the way I did it when I first got mine. I found the radio code scribbled in the handbook and also the EKA code. You can’t change the radio code as you can the EKA.
To be on the safe side, use a set of jump leads to maintain continuity between the new batt and the terminals on the car while changing it.
Our local Motabitz does this every time they change a batt, unless it obviously don't need it.
Then you can mess around getting the code.
+1 ^ it’s the way I did it when I first got mine. I found the radio code scribbled in the handbook and also the EKA code. You can’t change the radio code as you can the EKA.

I just found a code scribbled on my manual (on a page with a picture of the dash) - however, it has only 4 numbers; I have been reading that the code is supposed to be five numbers? Do you guys remember if it is 4 or 5?

Mine is a 2004 V8 HSE (Harman Kardon Unit)

I just found a code scribbled on my manual (on a page with a picture of the dash) - however, it has only 4 numbers; I have been reading that the code is supposed to be five numbers? Do you guys remember if it is 4 or 5?

Mine is a 2004 V8 HSE (Harman Kardon Unit)
Just checked, mine is definitely a *4* digit code and it is the R990 radio, which I think is the same as yours, “top of the range” at the time.

I have disconnected the battery since and the code in the manual is the correct one!!
Some are 4 digit written down and 5 on the radio, I had to add 1 to the front
If the code is the code as written down then why would the writer not include the first 1 if there needs to be one?
Seems only common sense.

Have you changed the batt yet?
Not yet, waiting to arrive...

Thanks for the help! I will post back here once I change it.

And you would be really surprised as what people consider "common sense" here... :)


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