
Greetings to all. My name is Jonty and as the title states I am a South African Landy owner. I bought my Disco 2 via Gumtree last year March.

The guy who sold her to me said he had bought her from his mother in law who'd bought it 2nd hand from a dealership.

He told me what a brilliant vehicle she is etc. Said he ran out of fuel and after that could not get her started again.

He said he had her taken in and they checked the head out (I can see the head bolts are brand new), replaced the glow plugs and then, finally, ran a diagnostic. He said it reported an electrical error but was not specific as to what the error was.

After many painful hours of trying whatever I could think of to get this vehicle to turnover, I have reached the conclusion that I was lied to.

What I have done thus far:

Replaced (in tank) fuel pump with brand new one.

Bought the biggest battery I could find.

Replaced the Crank Position Sensor.

Replaced injector harness and rings/seals.

Cleaned off the oil and dirt from the ECU plugs and wires. Sent the ECU in to check if it was still fine. Guys said it was good.

Cleaned of any oil and muck from cabling and wiring.

Replaced the fuel filter.

Replaced the non return valve.

Replaced the fuel pressure regulator.

Reset the innertia switch.

Made sure the immobilizer is disengaged.

To date she cranks but wont turnover. I crank and crank until the battery runs down. Battery is only 3 months old. Bought it brand new.

She is an automatic so I have been told that I cannot tow start her.

Today I took off the air filter and sprayed Quick Start (aerosol ethanol) directly into the air hose and got my wife to crank it. She almost sounded like she wanted to take, but the same problem persists.

I don't own a compression tester and the diesel specific ones are out of my price range.

I am truly at my wits end.

Any constructive advice from those who have had similar issues would be most welcome.

My wife has reached the limit of her patience ( I took a loan to buy this car and she was not thrilled with this idea) and says I should flog it off for parts.

I really don't want to do that as I have always wanted a Landy.

But our budget is suffering because of what I am starting to feel was very poor judgement on my part.
Hello And welcome to the Loonyzone,

Iirc, you are not the only D2 owner in East London SA, on here.

It would probably be better to ask your question ( copy and paste) in the Discovery section as more D2 owners will likely see it.
Have you looked at the Landrover toolbox videos on YouTube, they did a series of 4 or 5. regarding bad / non starting on a D2.

Hope to see you over in the Disco section shortly.

Thanks Neilly.

I am just getting my bearings on this forum so thanks for that advice. I will do so shortly.

I have seen a few Youtube clips which I thought may help, but I will go check these out too.

I am really glad to hear there are other Landy guys on here from my city.

Have a great day further and thanks again for the tips.

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