Hi All,
I have just found out there is a problem with my heater, the drivers side is warm but the passenger side is cold or lukewarm at best including windscreen de-mister, it seems to be ok when I use air-con to cool, but coming up to winter the bride is going to be mumping about being cold.
Has anyone had the same problem as I have looked at other threads but can't find this one?
Hi, might be an airlock in the heater matrix, top up the reservoir if the level is low, tighten well the tank's cap then when the engine is at operating temp(gauge at middle) partially unscrew the bleed screw, ask somebody to keep the revs above 1500 as the thermostat bypass flow valve to be completely open and keep it so untill no bubbles are coming out there(watch yourself to dont get hurt by the hot coolant)...then top up again... this might cure things, if not then probably there's a problem with the flap system and that's bad news
it can be but then IMO would be the same issue with the cooling too... worth a try with the bleeding maybe it's a lucky one
Thanks, will try the bleed first, had a look at flap controls and they look like a nightmare, trouble is I don't know if it was ok when I bought it as not really used heater.:scratching_chin:

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