
New Member
Hello all! First post here so apologies if this has already been covered- there are similar topics but not quite the same.

Anyway, I have an intermittent problem with the brakes on my 2003 disco TD5 and was hoping someone may have had the same problem and know of a solution as it has my mechanic stumped!

A fault developed with the brake master cylinder where occasionally you would have no "pedal" (or brakes!)- this was diagnosed as a faulty master cylinder which was replaced. Now, occasionally (it's happened twice in 1500 miles) following braking they will not release until gradually they have fully applied themselves, the pedal also goes rock hard. First time this happened i put my foot uder the brake pedal and tried to lift it and with only a fraction of movement everything released and worked fine- nothing binding. It happened again yesterday to my partner- she left it and when the recovery truck collected the car an hour later everything had returned to normal.

Could the new master cylinder be faulty? the servo is working fine (pump pedal up with engine off and turn on engine, pedal drops)- our mechaninc has checked the calipers etc and nothing is seized, all appears "well" at this end.

Anyone had anything similar or know what's wrong?

Apologies for the long post as well and thanks in advance for any replies!


sounds like push rod is adjusted too far as is possible on early vehicles not allowing oil to return i think i would check servo and for any other reason that could effect rod position if all okay swap master cylinder ,was it pattern part fitted as the quality of some is very poor increasingly so
HI James, thanks for the quick reply.

He's telling me there's no adjustment on the push rod- it just bolts straight in? As far as i know the part was genuine
i know that push rod isnt adjustable but is servo rod on pedal ,does servo stick occasionaly,sometimes poor abs sensor can but brakes on above a certain speed abs traction control hill decent all run off same sensors ,intermittent faults arent the easiest, a pattern part may have had just too long a rod, is servo staying on ie diaphragm shoudnt move under vac until pedal pressed is which close the air way between both side of diaphragm letting vac push master cylinder rod

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