
New Member
my radio is showing "Code" i rang the dealer and he gave me the code and i put it in as instructed
got it in first time but the display shows "Wait" i have been waiting hours ???

any ideas ?
Only one reason for WAIT being displayed it means an incorrect code has been entered and there's now a delay period be for re-entering a correct code, you should have a warnig tone just before the delay commences, the delays start at 2mins 4, 8 and so on.
The unit should remain switched on untill the word CODE appears again.
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How are you putting the code in ? Are you following the handbook ? The process is not the most logical and differs from many other units.
The "Code " came up after i was driving the car for an hour .
i put in the code and hey presto it worked ....
wierd this machine is !!!!

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