Kevin Winter

New Member
Seeing as my 110 is being stolen, and presuming the insurance goes through okay, I'm looking at replacement options. I'm seriously considering not getting another 110, and replacing it with a cheap disco for a few years as a better commute/greenlane compromise, especially as I could use the spare cash that this would generate....
How cheap can one go without buying a complete dog? Any particular models to look for?
what you doing on here get out there and **** the theving **** up :mad2::brick::violent:.
however your incurance should not take that big a hit my incurance only went up £50 a year after my 90 was stolen.
what you doing on here get out there and **** the theving **** up :mad2::brick::violent:.
however your incurance should not take that big a hit my incurance only went up £50 a year after my 90 was stolen.

he has not sorted out the date for it to go yet :p

"my 110 is being stolen" :doh:

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