
New Member
Hi i am just wondering if anyone could help me as this has got me puzzled.
When driving and having to stop at lights and brakes pressed, When setting off the engine wants to go but is all locked up, when releasing clutch the car dips but nothing happens,
Hope my description helps, many thanks
pistons in caliper are sticking..

take wheels off and ease pistons back into caliper, push em back out with pedal, and repeat...

hopefully this will free em off..

if not you will either have to overhaul the caliper with new seals etc orfit new calipers..

check the pads while your at it... and put new in if ya can get pistons far enough back in...
When putting in reverse it does release but going back in first still locks
But will try that many thanks for the advice
Very much apreciated
does sound like a piston is sticking somewhere, or you've got an issue with the handbrake locking up, but car dipping def sounds like one of the calipers.
is it all the time or only when you use hand brake?

could be the drum brake under the car on the prop shaft if its only when ya use hand brake..
you need to jack it up on stands to find the problem,check your master cylinder is returning
I think a caliper bolt has come loose and the caliper is pitching. when you reverse the caliper momentarily goes back until it wedges again once you go forward
There is a common fault with discovery calipers where the pads wear through until they jam on the hub.
thanks i have now got to the bottom if it if i put the hand brake all way down.
it dose it so i nead to fit new ones cose it dont hapen if i lift it up just a bit think the spring broken or some thing but thanks for alllllll the hellp. if eney one has same prob try just taking the play out of the cabel

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