
Hi recently noticed my disco 3 blowing air when i accelerate heavy starts to sound likes it blowing rasberries higher the revs go
Dno if its just blown exhaust or summit else anyone any ideas on ways to find out
I think you need to narrow it down to either an exhaust blow or the intercooler side blowing.

Iirc there are 4 flex hoses on the intercooler side, some almost impossible to get to down the passenger side.

Do you get any smell of exhaust gases in the cab?
Mainly when its cold and the fuel burner kicks in but i have been thinking it cld be exhaust blown as does sound like a hiss of air escaping when cars idle but hard to pinpoint location will needto get it into a garage for it to be checked
Might be wroth checking the air filter. I drove through a very deep puddle once and sucked up a load of water - unbeknown to me the paper air filter got sodden and the engine sucked a hole through it. I drove around for a few days with a hissing before discovering the cause. Also relieved none of the filter ended up in the engine!
Checked it yesterday was all good cars in on tuesday next week to get fmdreaded crappy handbrake soeted at a cost of 1200 quid so get them to check over car see of they can find issue while they r robbing me blind for that
Checked it yesterday was all good cars in on tuesday next week to get fmdreaded crappy handbrake soeted at a cost of 1200 quid so get them to check over car see of they can find issue while they r robbing me blind for that

1200 quid that would scare me to death!
Yep dont wanna pay that but dojt have a choice no one up here offers a repair service which is a complete pain all thos because they use crappy plastic gears
Yh think i looked at that got to love how he can charge 400 to repair the parts that are broken inclusing ripping it all out and reffitting and programming but no one else ca when you can cleary buy the new gears bunch of robbing w**** lol

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