Hi there, so i have a 2004 disco 2 td5, so recently the key being as old as it is the open button on the key became unuseable due to it being old and worn so bought a new replacement cover for the key and was going to put the new cover on when i noticed that there isnt a transponder in the casing of the old key, so i am wondering i have checked around the ignoiton barrel to see if it is taped to it there and checked all other little nooks and crannies that i can think of but cant see it anywhere, does anyone know of any other locations that i could possibly try looking for the little transponder? i have the key code for the old key also but dont know if a new transponder can be programmed without the old one being read, can anyone enlighten me please
You are right, there isn't one. If there was, how could your old key have been working??!!
Just change the cover over it'll be OK.

(Speaking as one who also wondered about it!)

The transponder is part/stuck on the PCB.
You, I assume, are thinking it is the same as the D1, it ain't. :):):)
You are right, there isn't one. If there was, how could your old key have been working??!!
Just change the cover over it'll be OK.

(Speaking as one who also wondered about it!)

The transponder is part/stuck on the PCB.
You, I assume, are thinking it is the same as the D1, it ain't. :):):)
how do i programme a new key to do door locks etc as new to this and thought with every key i see online it has a transponder inside the cover of the key
You are right, there isn't one. If there was, how could your old key have been working??!!
Just change the cover over it'll be OK.

(Speaking as one who also wondered about it!)

The transponder is part/stuck on the PCB.
You, I assume, are thinking it is the same as the D1, it ain't. :):):)
i did think maybe someone had placed it or taped it around the ignition barrel in which would effectively make the old still work the way its supposed to,
i did think maybe someone had placed it or taped it around the ignition barrel in which would effectively make the old still work the way its supposed to,
Under the broken button there should still be a microswitch. If that works, open the door and start the car.
Then take the guts out of the old key and pop them in the new key.
Job done.
When my old cover and button covers went fubar, I bought a kit of two new keys, which came with plastic covers attached to key blanks, batteries and even new microswitches.
I couldn't be bothered to get the new key blanks cut so I did what I said above with the guts of the old key, it now sits on a key ring with the old key, which has no guts in it.
So I press the button on the fob of the new key cover to open the car, and quickly put the old key in the ignition and start the car.
If for some reason I have to do other stuff between opening the car and starting it, When I want to start it, I just press the "open" button on the fob and then turn the key. The car then starts. Despite what others will tell you, having the PCB near the ignition will not allow the key to start the car, I know as I tried all ways of getting that to work. It either has to be in the key fob of the key in the ignition or you have to push "unlock" and then turn the key within I think 30 seconds. In some ways it is a bit of a theft protection!

The transponder is PART OF THE PCB.
When my old cover and button covers went fubar, I bought a kit of two new keys, which came with plastic covers attached to key blanks, batteries and even new microswitches.
I couldn't be bothered to get the new key blanks cut so I did what I said above with the guts of the old key, it now sits on a key ring with the old key, which has no guts in it.
So I press the button on the fob of the new key cover to open the car, and quickly put the old key in the ignition and start the car.
If for some reason I have to do other stuff between opening the car and starting it, When I want to start it, I just press the "open" button on the fob and then turn the key. The car then starts. Despite what others will tell you, having the PCB near the ignition will not allow the key to start the car, I know as I tried all ways of getting that to work. It either has to be in the key fob of the key in the ignition or you have to push "unlock" and then turn the key within I think 30 seconds. In some ways it is a bit of a theft protection!

The transponder is PART OF THE PCB.
yeah i bought 2 new keys which has the blank key, mother board inside the keys batteries and spare push buttons and the fob too, so wouldnt mind of having a spare key which is what i would like the most so thinking about getting the keys cut tomorrow and if they start the land rover then great but would ideally like the other new push buttons to be working also for central locking rather than using the key to lock and unlock
yeah i bought 2 new keys which has the blank key, mother board inside the keys batteries and spare push buttons and the fob too, so wouldnt mind of having a spare key which is what i would like the most so thinking about getting the keys cut tomorrow and if they start the land rover then great but would ideally like the other new push buttons to be working also for central locking rather than using the key to lock and unlock
If you transpose the mother board(s) from your old key(s) into the plastic body(ies) of your new key(s) and get the blades cut to match the old ones, that is you set.
There is nothing wrong with using the key to lock the Land Rover, in fact it is good if you have to leave the car on a ferry or leave animals in it, (provided their welfare is not harmed.)
If you unlock it with the key the alarm will sound until you press the unlock button anyway. Or should unless someone has doctored it in some way.
My other key (my spare) sits in its old plastic fob with one push cover missing, it still works if I push the microswitch with a thumbnail. but it does have the advantage of working in the ignition normally, so this is the key I leave in the car at MOT time.
... does anyone know of any other locations that i could possibly try looking for the little transponder?
No such thing as transponder when it comes to D2 remote fob, it has a "chip"(called "transponder" by those who dont know much about it, shown with red arrow in the pic) which communicates with the passive remobilisation exciter coil which is around the key barrel but the discussion is irrelevant if it's about programming a fob, as long as it's a dedicated D2 fob it is programmable with nanocom or similar provided it has the label with the code on the PCB or the original barcode(second pic).... generic programming tools won't work for the D2 , see THIS


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Provided you have the £500 plus to buy a nanocom, you can programme a new fob with its chip.

Or you can just swap the PCB from the old key into the new key.

There may be people who will do it for a fee I suppose.
Best of luck !:):):)
Maybe this will help solve what it is I am trying to do or want to knowhow do I programme the old key fob to a new key fob to make a spare for my discovery2?


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+1 with Fery. There should be nothing on the plastic halves of the fob -it's all on the ciruit board.
As others have said all you need to do is swop your "old" curcuit board into the new casing.
Sorry I'm too far away to help with Nanocom
Got a lend of this tool for reading the chips, so is there anyone able to decipher the 6 digit key code for the programming of the chip, I know I need to change a few digits which I don't mind doing but if it helps programme the new chip to the key code then even better. All help is very much appreciated


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That tool is completely useless for a D2 fob, as i already explained you need the bar code or the code labeled on the PCB no way around that
Maybe this will help solve what it is I am trying to do or want to knowhow do I programme the old key fob to a new key fob to make a spare for my discovery2?
The chip IS on the left-hand PCB in exactly the position @sierrafery showed you.
Are the PCB components on the other side of the other one? Or does it have nothing other than the battery holder?
I suggest you reread the thread as we have given you the info you need.
But you do not seem, at the moment, to have a clearly reprogrammable, and correct for vehicle, new key fob.

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