
New Member
Hello folks,

I know this is going to be very subjective, but I’m after some opinions. I’m currently looking to change vehicles, I’ve had several Landy’s in the past (Disco 1, RR Classic, SIII) so I have a vague idea, and always do my own spannering.

I’m a British expat living in Peru, and probably 80% of my driving is around the city, however half the roads I drive on are not in the least bit like roads in the UK, and next year onwards that will also include even more gravelly pot-holed tracks. The rest of my driving is occasional trips to the highlands, which is about 1 hour in slow traffic escaping the city, 3 hours on the Pan Americana (closest thing to a motorway), then a 2 – 3 hour climb from sea level up to 4000masl in 150km, then another 120km on a steady descent down to 3000masl. Then a few days later the whole thing in reverse (but it’s a lot quicker going downhill!).

Generally my preference would be for a manual box, but given then 80% of my driving is low speed, and often in horrible traffic, maybe an auto wouldn’t be so bad. I also have access to a Disco 3 auto, and it doesn’t bother me too much, except when doing the climb (and descent) in the hills. Obviously it’s a different box though compared to a D2.

The reasons I’m after a Landy:

1) I like ‘em.

2) Our family is growing and the extra space will be useful (compared to the current small hatchback)

3) Safety – driving is terrible here, and folk don’t always stop after a prang, added on to that is that to get insurance involved you have to report it to the police, which costs you money (even if they don’t try and insist on a bribe). I don’t so much mind a 2nd hand Landy having scrapes and scars, but it ****es me off on a brand new car I’ve just bought.

4) Security – crime is rife, and if some would–be criminals pull in front of me to attempt a robbery / kidnapping, with something like a Landy I’d have a chance to push through and get away (assuming it doesn’t choose that moment to break down :-D…. )

5) Did I mention I like Landys?

6) The state of the roads I’ll be driving on more next year will be more suited to a Landy than a car.

So, what did I want opinions on ? The current choices available appear to a pre-facelift Disco 2 V8 auto with about 80k miles on it, or a post facelift Disco 2 TD5 auto, with about 100k miles on it. The V8 is about $2500 cheaper than the TD5 (cars are bloody expensive here), but I’d need to factor in fitting an LPG kit (LPG is v cheap here and to have a multipoint kit installed is less than 1000 GBP), and obviously a new cam/followers etc at some point, but then I assume the TD5 will need an injector harness at some point, and, and…

For the 80% driving, the TD5 probably makes more sense, but then how will it cope on the 4000m climb, trying to overtake convoys of trucks? Also I always love the soundtrack from a Rover V8…. and the TD5 is quite a bit more money..

Any of you good folk have experience of them at high altitudes??


Not had any direct experience myself.
Anything with a turbo or even a supercharger will be better altitude than a non boosted engine.
Its why WW2 and later aircraft had them.
There is landy on Petroliciuos used around your way.
His is a V8 though!
Cheers gents, very good point about FI over n/a at altitude, and thinking about it I recall on one trip that whilst the Disco 3 (it's the 4.0 V6 versión) at sea level it is rapid enough, at altitude we were struggling to keep up with the turbo diésel Shogun we were in convoy with (4th gen Shogun but with the older 120 hp engine).

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