
New Member
Hello everyone. My very first post on my very first forum. Bought a SLS green key fob to raise & lower the suspension remotely on my 2004 Disco 2.

Also invested in a Hawkeye complete (it was a toss up between that and Nanocom). Tried to sync in the remote fob to the car using the 6 digit code inside the fob with Hawkeye but to no avail . Seems Hawkeye needs 2 x 16 digit barcodes that come on a tag with the key. As I bought the key 2nd hand on FleaBay there is no barcode tag.

I've emailed the seller of the fob and he says it can be sync'd in using a Nanocom, as all that's required is the 6 digit code. I'm a bit frustrated, as I almost bought a Nanocom instead of the Hawkeye.

I don't know if what this guy is being truthful with me about the Nanocom being able to sync the key with just the 6 digit code, so really looking for some help from the wise. Does anybody know if this is the case?

Thanks in advance, Yaffel.
What you have been told is correct, nanocom can use the 6 digit code on the label inside the fob.

A nanocom can do what you want, exact reason why I got a nanocom a few years ago.

Hi Neilly, thanks for confirming that about the Nanocom. I even tried the main dealers but they couldn't even help without the barcodes.

Looks like the fob will be going back on eBay and I'll order a £190 one from the dealers. I can't justify buying a Nonocom when I already have a Hawkeye.
Just put a shout out for a nanocom owner near you, plenty of peeps have them. Only a 10 minute job to program one in.

If you do not need a remote, then look at the Davidd Pye mod. Cheaper.

I have successfully programmed a standard key on my D2, as that has a sticker with the 6 digit code. (Using these Nanocom). So I know the procedure.
But I went to try to do the same with the Green suspension fob, but there’s no 6 digit code/ sticker on the chip. (It’s a used fob with no bar code). I can just about see an 8 digit code printed on the chip. Is this any good, or irrelevant?

Also, is it correct that there’s only one microswitch button that works? Under the LR logo button? Where as there’s also a Arrow button on the fob, but with no microswitch below it?

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