chris Wood

New Member
Hi folks, my O/S/F window has packed in, the N/S/F is fine so I can assume there is power to the fronts, I swapped switches and still no joy but the drivers switch worked the passenger side so I assume the switch is fine. I have put a direct feed to the motor and it works fine. Rave pointed me to the window up relay in or near the body control unit and I can hear it clicking but when I operate the switch I cannot register any voltage to the moter feed inside the door. I have read about the rear window problems with disco's but could really do with some help as I dont know what to do next. Thank in advance.
there is no relay for's managed by the BCU...i see u have some electrical skills so make measurement on the circuit .... check RAVE > electrical library > connector views, to know where to seek, and see where earth is missing starting from C0242 pin 1(if O/S/F is RH...i have a problem with these things cos i'm a LH driver;)) anyway the scheme is clear enough... go along the connectors with a multimeter... my guess is that somewhere the earth is missing.

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