
New Member
Hi Guys, I'm trying to integrate the remote steering wheel controls with my on-board computer project and haven't been able to find out which protocol is used.

Does the D2 share the same BMW iBus protocol for the ICE/remote controls or is it Canbus? Ive got a Becker Trafficpro radio/satnav setup.

If it is iBus, I have a usb interface that I can use but just need to figure out which wires to connect it to to intercept the commands from the s/w remote. If it turns out to be Canbus I'll have to find another adapter.

Any help appreciated.
oh, yer not gonna cry are yer? we dint mean to upset yer, its wur just a little injoke, I, and am sure mr yella will aswell, apologise fer causing you any grief by our slighty off topic contribution to your wonderful thread
Nope, I'm not in the habit of crying mate. I'm a moderator on a couple of other forums and I see this crap all the time.

Sadly, every forum has their postwhores and I'm guessing you two guys are this forums main contributers to irrellevant content. I don't have a problem with that provided it is generally confined to off-topic threads.

Given your respective post counts one would assume that you could have possibly provided something more worthwhile than an in-joke that would appear to be lost on most people.

As for my thread, well it ain't that wonderful but it does serve a useful purpose and one that might help other people if the answer can be provided.

Thanks for the apology though :D
I feel left out - can I be a post whore too?

(wot is a post whore - int that the clap or summat?)
if its about post - I think Slob beats everyone by miles.

if it aint - yu mite be rite.

anyroad, i gorra bone to pick wiv yu:(
You guys should be on TV.

Oh, hang alreay have been :p


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