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Hi all.
Disco 2 TD5 5 seater.
In a hurry, I took the seat, which had been folded forward to put a big load in, to put it back up. I pushed it back and the upper part would not move back up. Stupidly, instead of making sure the floor level lever/strap thing was completely down and locked, I just applied a bit more force to the seat back. It moved up a bit under protest, until it dawned on me what I was doing. I then put my hand down the back of the seat, pushed the strap/handle thing down, locked the seat base down then was able to push the back upright, but, you've guessed it, it no longer locks into position.

To pass the MOT, I removed both rear seats. But I understand this will not be possible next year, or even this?

I have trawled the internet but only found a rather naff instructable in German, I think, with some dodgy pics.

Due to the seats' propensity for having the locking mechanism sticking I am sure I am not the first to have this problem. I have tried taking various bits of plastic off and sprayingwhat mechanism I can find with WD etc, but it still will not lock up. Can anyone help with how to strip it down, fix it and put it back together? Typically it is the bigger (and heavier) one of the two! Would be enormously grateful for any help!
Hi Sierrafery
Thanks very much for taking the trouble to answer this post.
I have followed your link and seen that it is from the RAVE manual. I have had a look and am worried that this might not give me quite enough info, but at least it gives me a starting point. I do not really wish to take the whole of the seat apart to solve this problem. I know other have had this problem and I have posted this thread on all the other forums I can find, but you are the only person to answer. So a really big thank you.
I'll let you know how I get on when I finally get around to it. An intermittent starting problem has now arisen which is far more important! Sorry I took so long to get back to your reply, problem with logging on to Landyzone.
Still not done it, lol! MOT guy just commented that it was never there, I just said "well I just use it as a load lugger, he just accepted that. MUST do it one day!

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