
New Member
Hi , has anyone purchased a disclok steering wheel lock for a 2004 Defender 110 station wagon ? I am concerned about the hump in the middle of the steering wheel. As halfords no longer stock them I don't want to waste time ordering on line then having to send back ..... Many thanks
You'll be fine with a large Disklok ... it has a natural curve in it anyway to allow for this.
I read the large one doesnt fit the wheel correctly and can be levered off.

Did i mention trolls!
Must edit my ignore list just to see what the 8 year old is saying!

edit list here we come, no wait i cant be arsed
Catch you later troll

Well he seems to get upest that i sign all my posts off with my name.
Which bearing in mind i have been doing it this way for longer than the boyo has been alive i dont see why i should change!
What fascinates me is that he actually has the time to follow me from post to post, which is what makes me assume either he has no job/life or hes at school?
Hence my signature

Well he seems to get upest that i sign all my posts off with my name.
Which bearing in mind i have been doing it this way for longer than the boyo has been alive i dont see why i should change!
What fascinates me is that he actually has the time to follow me from post to post, which is what makes me assume either he has no job/life or hes at school?
Hence my signature

1065 gibbon tokens and you know nothing about me.Everything you typed was way out sociapath
1065 gibbon tokens and you know nothing about me.Everything you typed was way out sociapath

mmmmm is that dinner that needs eating S71 ? :D

done a blood test recently or is this just your normal happy self ?:D:p
Blimey two replies
Ive never written this before but LOL!
Anyway off to annoy some more forum users

Hi , has anyone purchased a disclok steering wheel lock for a 2004 Defender 110 station wagon ? I am concerned about the hump in the middle of the steering wheel. As halfords no longer stock them I don't want to waste time ordering on line then having to send back ..... Many thanks

I changed my steering wheel for a 14" mountney to allow more elbow room when driving. I fit a small sized disklok over that.;)

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