The Gribbin

Active Member
Anyone tried these from Mud Stuff?


Their only £35 for a pair... might solve the problem of mud splattered door handles and windows associated with wider tyres... I know a few have complained of this...?
you either do lots of mud, in which case the rest of ur motor will be be filthy so wots the point of these? or you do no mud, again, so wots the point of these?

35 quid is best spent down the pub :D
Much rather buy the splash guards from Gwyn Lewis to protect the outriggers for £22. Or make some with an old car mat.
Anyone tried these from Mud Stuff?


Their only £35 for a pair... might solve the problem of mud splattered door handles and windows associated with wider tyres... I know a few have complained of this...?

So I take it that's a NO then!... no one has tried them, and if they had they wouldn't be admitting to it on here...

I'll take my £35 down the pub for a pint and a curry with the missus.


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