
PML ... :hysterically_laughi

So, drop and slide underneath the Disco, about at the rear of the drivers door, and look up between the chassis rails and gearbox/transfer box, there should be a lever that moves when someone else waggles transfer box stick. There's likely to be shed loads of ****e bunging the works up, so clean it out, or the linkages have broken in which case they need mending. :)

If they need mending (and cleaning for that matter) the best way is from the top. So back inside and take off the centre console, drill out 12 (I think, lots anyway) rivets and remove the rubber seal. Now look down and it should be easier to see and get to all the bits ... spray tins of WD40, or a decent airline and gunk often help here. TIP: Wear Goggles, nothing worse than an eyeful of ****e/rust/chemical blown in the eyes ... ;)

Re-assembly is the reverse ... ;)

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