
Active Member
at the risk of openning myself up to a load of abuse, what are/ is the difference between the blocks of the series 2.25 and 2.5 td blocks?

the reason i ask is my 19j has gone to the place they all go. however i believe that it is scouring or worn bores, however my brother has a spare 2.25 diesel block doing nothing, can i strip the blocks and swap everything else?

i hope you can! i really do not want to go down the 200tdi route due to the fact i want to put mine back to some sort of original state.

any help will be very welcome. also does anyone know where an exhaust manifold with turbo can be found, and how much i should be prepared to pay!
But then you'll end up with a 2.25TD???? That's assuming the turbo & manifolds will fit, of course
i secretly hoping i could use the 2.25 block with the 2.5 everything else, crank, pistons, con rods, kinda hoping that the 2.5 was of a different stoke to the 2.25 as apposed to a different bore?!?

sounds daft i know but i thought worth checking out, how pathetic is a 110 with the 2.25 diesel in normal form?
Hmm. you know how pathetic your 2.5td was right? i know cos i still got one. the 2.5N/A was a better engine but with even less grunt. Now you wanna put in a smaller version of the less powerful engine? really?
And also what made the 19j so bad was the turbo... you cant just turbo charge an N/A so you not gonna be able to use a turbo on ur 2.25
thank you for the honesty but according to the ever faithful wikipedia
Land Rover engines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the 10 j or 2.25 doozel is just a different stroke to the 19j
so in theorey if i swap the internals i would end up with in affect another 19j, but my only worry will be if the block could hold it, or would it as suspected just pop soon as i turn it on?

i know i could just put in a 200, but i want to keep the engine bay looking standard. i will not be using it as my dailt drive, it will be a treat every now and again. just want it to start and go. not wanting to break speed records, or even tow anything, just to go without throwing oil out of its breather faster than bp are killing america.
2.25 Bore x stroke: 90.47 mm x 88.9 mm (3.56 in x 3.50 in

2.5 Bore x stroke: 90.47 mm x 97 mm (3.56 in x 3.81 in)

19J td engine Bore x stroke: 90.47 mm x 97 mm (3.56 in x 3.81 in)

But why go to all the trouble of changing bits over when you could just replace the piston rings on the TD???
and when i take it apart i will definately be changing the piston rings, however i like to be prepared.

if you plan for the worst things will always go as planned or better :D

that and i have learned to become pesemistic with my land rovers. lol

i hope it is the rings but was sat here thinking about it and wondered if it could be done, just head scratching. i know if i was to do it, i would have to make some sort of oil feed and return for the turbo too.
you'd also have the problem of trying to fit longer con rods in to a short stroke engine.
SH*T :doh: did not even think of that, how hard is it, do you need to grind the inside, where the conrods would potentially foul?

the more i think about it the less i like the idea of keeping my engine bay looking original. lmfao :D
Just strip and rebuild the TD if yu want original. they tend to crack pistons & rings but apart from that are pretty bombproof
sweet, thank you for your help.

it makes things a lot less expensive and time consuming with a wealth of knowledge so close.

thank you

if you are ever passing through neath and i am home, let me know i will but you a pint
just reading through the following page...
Land Rover engines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and if i am reading it correctly. parts from teh 200tdi could be interchanged with the 19j..

not saying that i would but in the interest of curiosity. or have i read it wrong???
from what i can gather the heads are different, and certain ancill parts, but timing case, block, crank, all the same? is this actually right? or has someone got the wrong end of a wonky stick?
could i put the block of a 200tdi as a direct swap for my 19j one? with zero modification? only theoretically speaking. but i like to know random knowledge like this.. could i put a head from a 200 directly onto my 29j and fire it up?

i stress the whole theoretically, i am not going to go do it, just want to know if they are bolt on/ off pieces!?!?
a quick sorry for the typo's in the last post. it is the end of a long night shift and my fingers seem to be extra fat and 'pig titty'!
The Series & 19 J blocks are not the same.
The turbo block has a large threaded hole low down, presumably to take the return oil from the turbo.
The LH mounting is further back than the Series, so whilst the later engines had 2 pairs of threaded holes, so they could still be fitted on the earlier vehicle, the Series engines were not made with provision for fitting in a later vehicles that didn't exist.
There may be other differences.
thank you for the reply, i am sorry for causing the head scratching.
i just like to know that if you were in trouble what parts could be utilised from other models, without causing damage.

i know you said that the series blocks are different however are the 19j and 200tdi blocks the same? what other parts are interchangeable?

i know this could be a long list but i would like to know what parts could be bolted onto other models and be possible to use for a long while without detremental effects.

i do not mean an engine from a disco into a depender. things like injectors from one engine to another, heads from one to another, etc..

again curiosity is getting the better of me,
I suspect this has not be done very often so there is not going to be evidence avalibe of it's results, and for that matter is it actually worth it when you can pick up a TD for next to nothing to strip down. If you have a 200tdi going spare you can have my TD! Its done 180k and still pulling strong, even with the turbo cranked up a bit as well.

However I suspect that a 2.25TD block with a turbo on it will not last long as it will go the same way the first bread of the 2.5TDs went before the upgraded block in 1988, and as I suspect the 2.25 block will have had some miles on it already would you reLy want to turbo charge a 30 year old block ? And take the risk of having to remove the entire engine again?

My advice would be to get hold of either a post 88 TD block and pistons (see thread below)/engine, a 200tdi or a v8!

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