
New Member
Hi all I have just got a series IIa landy and the gearbox is well mmmmmmmm how do I say it well "diffecult to select gears" (politely put). the engine is fairly sound but I would like to be able to set off easily. Can I change the box and still keep the engine and fit a more upto date box. It is a 2.22L engine a I think one of those 1st and 2nd non synchromesh boxes, as Isaid the engine is fairly sound or should this go as well. Any ideas much appreciated.

are far as i know the early ones dint have syncro on 1st or reverse but they did on 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
the laters ones , say from a series 111 had syncro on all forward gears. and you can put a 111 box into yer 11a. but most folk reckon the series 11 box is by far the stronger of the two
The 2a had a 3 bearing engine with a gear box that has synchromesh on 3rd and 4th only (No synchromesh on 1st and 2nd)
But this is a stronger gear box than the series 3 Gb which is fully synchromeshed.
It does take time but I would learn to double de-clutch, also try not to stop or go below 3rd (Mine will pull in 3rd from about 5 mph).
Remember this is not a modern car, do things slowly and don't hurry it.
As for the difficult gear selection try changing the GB oil (EP90) and you might ass well do the rest while your about it.
i've heard this about 11 and 11a's only having syncro on 3rd and 4th but all the ones i drove i could get 2nd no problem. whereas if i tried to change down into 1st on the move i had to double-declutch. so i assumed it wur bollocks and 2nd did have syncro.
my first landy wus a 1962 88" SW - that din't have synchromesh on 1st or 2nd.
Yeah...I do try to keep it rollin' (which I do regardless of the vehicle I am driving) but sometimes you do HAVE to stop!!!!!

I have read that the first gear is only meant for driving up steep hills with a heavy trailer on the back but if that is the case what gear do we set off in when we just want to set off ??!!!!!!!

:DThanks for your replies...I am quite happy to get used to it but mr voodoo likes to try and make stuff better and we are both new to Landys!!!!!
I don't use first if I can get away with it but pulling away in 2nd all the time can be a bit heavy on the clutch.
You just have to drive her and get used to what your engine can do.
Tell Mr voodoo he will have to buy a newer landy if he wants all modcons because you get very few toys with a 2a.
I've been on a little jaunt this morning and have just been going with the flow just doing what seems to work...I have been using first fairly successfully on a "hilly" busy junction as I could not bring myself to use second in that situation and in some crawling traffic up a hill. The worst thing for me is doing parking manouevres as then first just does not wanna play.

mr voodoo (formerly a monstered up Hilux man) wants a Landy now I've got one especially since someone gave him a ride in a Landy with a V6 so I think the Hilux on the front lawn might be leaving us soon!!!!!
I find double de clutching and just using me finger tips to pop it in to gear works well also never selecting 1st until stationary.
Most of my lower gear changes take 3 to 4 seconds so no hurry here.
it dont look like no 1s suggested makin sure the clutch is ok mine only had a tiny bit of brown gunk in it and i flushed it and put some new in there and now tis soo much easier to change gear
here.. borrow these.... (,,,,,, !! ???? ..... '''''''''')
and can i have them back when yer finished

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